Battle on the Fields of Dawn (II)

Zero announced her decision to go out in battle. "It is the only way. The tank is the only thing left that can defeat the Spider Demons and the Senior Demon. It is the only option."

Steven was silent as he contemplated the implications. Then he spoke. "Isn't there another way? Charging in like that… It will be dangerous. There is a very high chance that you will end up dying."

"Then that is a risk we will have to take", Zero replied. "If we don't take them out, we will all die."

"Couldn't you just get out and let the rest of the crew do everything." Steven was almost pleading as he begged Zero not to go.

"I will not do that", said Zero firmly. "I cannot abandon them and make them charge into danger on their own while I, the commander of the tank, stay back at base."

Steven let out a sigh. "Very well." Steven was holding back his tears. "Please… you can go. But you have to come back alive."

The tank's engine roared as it started up. It charge forward and the soldiers parted to let it through. Zero sat within the tank, aware that this needed to turn the tide of the battle.

The tank began charging through the demon horde. The demons in its path were run over, crushed by the weight of the tank. The demons attacking the tank, trying to break in. The tank's armor held, the claws and spears of the demons bouncing off impotently. The machine guns on the tank fired nonstop, killing scores of demons.

The tank approached the first Spider Demon and fired. The first shot hit the Spider Demon in the front and it fell to the ground. A second shot finished it off. As the tank charged through the battlefield, obliterating the demons in its path, the morale of the army lifted as they saw some hope.

The tank scored a headshot on the second Spider Demon. It fell down to the ground dead. Now, there was only one last Spider Demon. Rolling through the field of demons, the tank approached its target. The demon soldiers tried their best to stop the tank, but it was like a field of death surrounded the tank, killing all the demons around it.

The tank began firing its cannon in the direction of the Spider Demon. Its shots landed in front or to the side of it, blowing up the demons around it. The tank was still moving forward, getting closer and closer to the Spider Demon. With the distance decreasing, the accuracy increased and soon the shots were landing on the Spider Demon. Finally, a shot broke through and killed the final Spider Demon.

With the Spider Demons killed, the soldiers no longer had to fear the long ranged attacks of the demons. With renewed vigor, they continued to fire into the horde of incoming demons. Still, it was not over.

The Senior Demon stomped its way through the battlefield, approaching the tank. The tank also charged at the Senior Demon, firing shots out of its main cannon. Some of the cannon shots went past the Senior Demon. A few of them hit, managing to injure the Senior Demon quite a bit.

The Senior Demon continued advancing toward the tank. Even though it was wounded, it was determined to crush the tank. The tank landed one final shot, blowing a huge hole in the armor on the upper part of the demon's body. Still, this was not enough to take out the Senior Demon, who was roaring in pain. The Senior Demon brought its axe down. The axe sheared through the cannon of the tank and buried itself in the front of the tank. The hit also broke the engine and the tank was stuck, bereft of its main armament and lacking the ability to retreat.

Steven was watching the battle from a distance. At this moment, his heart was pounding as he saw the dangerous position Zero was in. He hoped with all his heart that she could survive.

At this moment, the hatch of the tank opened. From this opening sprung a blur of white. The figure landed on the front of tank. Zero, with her sword in hand, struck at the demon. She stabbed forward, piercing the demon through its chest. The demon roared and swung its hand to crush Zero.

Zero deftly leaped back, avoiding the hit. With great dexterity, she leapt onto the demon's arm and jumped up. Her blade was held up high with the sun reflecting off of its blood soaked edge. The sword came down, burying itself in the neck of the Senior Demon.

The Senior Demon fell. Over its body, Zero stood with sword in hand. A great commotion broke out in the human army as they celebrated the death of the Senior Demon. The demon forces were thrown into disarray as they scrambled around trying to figure out what to do.

Zero stood atop the disabled tank as demons came from all sides. The tank's machine guns still functioned, mowing down scores of demons as they approached. Still, many demons found their way crawling up the tank. Zero's sword slashed and stabbed with great speed and force. She hopped from demon to demon, slashing them apart. She looked like the goddess of death descending on the battlefield to smite the demons.

Steven looked on with a mixture of awe and fear. Zero hasn't lived for hundreds of years for nothing. She was an amazing warrior with great skill. Still, surrounded by demons, she was in a dangerous position. Despite this, she held on, dodging the demons attacks while quickly dispatching her attackers.

In the backlines, the demons had finally been defeated and the cannons were ready. They began firing and soon the tide of demons thinned. The reserves occupied with reclaiming the cannons were now directed toward the front line.

The soldiers, bolstered by the reinforcements and facing much less resistance, charged forward. The soldiers were high in morale and the tide of the battle had turned. The demons were pushed back and they soon broke. The remnants of the demon army scattered. Without Red Mist, they would soon end up dying.

Steven was sitting in his tent. Then, the flap opened and Zero walked in. Her clothes were caked with blood, most of it belonging to the demons, though some of it was her own. Steven sprang up from where he was sitting.

Zero was taken off guard when Steven's arms wrapped around her shoulders. His clothes ended up getting stained as his body was pressed against Zero's. Then, Steven leaned in and kissed Zero.

"I love you", Steven said. "Seeing you out there, I was so afraid. I couldn't bear the thought of losing you. I am so glad that you came back. If you died then I would never have the chance to tell you that I love you." Steven had tears streaming down his face as he hugged Zero.

"I love you too", Zero whispered. This time, she kissed Steven.

The pair stood silently in the tent, embracing one another.