Light of a New Age

Technological advancement is always a combination of progress and setbacks. Creating the nuclear bomb was no different. Roland had high hopes for the first test, but it unexpectedly failed to detonate.

After the test, the researchers went out to find out what was the problem. They thought that they had the firing mechanism all done perfectly. A model of the bomb had been made and the firing was tested out with the uranium replaced with objects with the same shape and mass. During those preliminary tests, the bomb fired just fine.

Indeed, upon opening up the bomb they discovered that the bomb did in fact fire correctly. The explosive had launched the uranium piece toward the other. The only issue was, the uranium had failed to go critical. The two pieces of uranium were sitting there side by side. The problem became clear, there was insufficient uranium.

Over the next month, the bomb was modified and redesigned to now use more uranium. This time, there should be enough to make it explode. The researchers also didn't neglect to test out the other components of the bomb to make sure that they still worked.

Finally, the day came. The bomb was ready for testing.

Roland once again invited Steven and Zero to come over to observe.

When they arrived, Steven spoke to Roland. "I hope it actually works this time."

"Yeah, I was so disappointed when nothing happened last time", said Zero.

"It'll definitely work", Roland grumbled.

The three of them began heading toward the test site and they continued to chat with each other.

Finally, they arrived and entered the concrete shelter on the outskirts of the testing site. The researchers had already gotten everything set up and the bomb was ready to begin testing.

Roland stood next to the button, ready to press it. He took a deep breath. Then he pressed the button.

A moment later, a rumble was felt through the ground. A blinding light shone for a second, lighting up the entire area. A mushroom cloud rose into the sky. Waves of hot air exploded out in all directions. A large boom was heard. It was a success.

The researchers exited the shelter, followed by Roland, Steven, and Zero. In the distance they could still see the mushroom cloud slowly dissipating into the air. As they gazed outward they could see the devastation laid out before them.

Various buildings had been constructed near the impact site in order to gauge the power of the bomb. Now, the damage to the structures revealed how much devastation the nuclear bomb could unleash.

Near the center of the blast, the destruction had been total. All of the buildings, whether they be wooden or concrete, were completely flattened. Looking from a distance, it seemed like the sand near the center had become shiny, like it had turned to glass.

Even a few kilometers away, all of the wooden buildings had fallen over. The concrete buildings had suffered severe to moderate damage within the one kilometer radius. A massive area had been destroyed by the bomb. It was still too dangerous to send people in to look at precisely just how much damage was done as there was lingering radiation. Observers had to stand far away like they were now so that there wouldn't be affected.

Everyone assembled looked on in awe at the scene of devastation before them. The amazing power of the nuclear bomb had shown itself.

Zero gazed upon the land with wide eyes. "It… It is amazing. Both amazing and horrifying. It is truly a weapon to eclipse all others."

"This will be our ultimate device, the final trump card", said Roland.

"Yes", said Zero slowly, still awed by what she saw. "With this, we can definitely defeat the demons. Nothing could withstand such power. It is like you are God."

"It is", said Steven. "Humans now hold the power to destroy the world. Someone once said, with great power comes great responsibility."

Roland snorted. He recognized that Steven was once more shamelessly stealing quotes from Earth. Well, it wasn't like he himself hadn't done the same. The three of them talked privately.

"The nuclear bomb is a terrifying thing, something that must be treated with great caution", said Steven. "Back on Earth, tens of thousands of these things were made and the world stood on the precipice of total destruction. The whole world could have ended with the push of a button."

"We can use these weapons to defeat the demons", Steven said. "But we must not keep them after the war. Once they have served their purpose they must be discarded, forgotten. It is too dangerous to keep them around, lest they be used in wars among men."

Roland nodded. "That is indeed a good idea."

"Who knows what the future holds." Steven sighed. "In the course of time, I won't be here anymore. Nor will Roland. I suppose that the burden of protecting the world has to fall to you, Zero."

"Well, that is enough worrying about the future", Roland said. "Now it is time to celebrate."

After they headed back to Neverwinter, they decided to hold a small celebration amongst themselves to commemorate this momentous occasion.

Steven brought out a bottle of wine. "I thought we might be needing this. It is a 300 year old bottle that I found in the cellars. Lets see how it is."

Wine was poured into everyone's glasses. In addition to Roland, Steven, and Zero, there was also Anna and Nightingale. Anna had actually helped build several of the components of the nuclear bomb, but she had too much work to do so she couldn't go to observe the test.

Roland gave a toast. "Here's to a brighter future."

"It sure will be bright", Steven murmured. "There is a reason people call the nuclear bomb, instant sunshine."

Everyone chuckled as they drank. The wine was good, but it really seemed like old wine was overrated. Still, everyone was very happy. There was a sense that the light of hope had been lit in their hearts.