"One week has passed since high school student 'XXX' was reported missing from the neighbourhood in Pemford on the 25th of this month. Police see this as a potential kidnapping and have advised everyone to take safe routes when going to your destination."
The small television glowed white, illuminating the corner of the cramped room. In front of the screen were two figures – a man in his early twenties and a seventeen-year-old girl.
He donned a stretched jacket that blended with the darkness and wore a face mask over his mouth. A muffled cough would occasionally escape from his mouth. The girl who sat beside him had snow-white hair that ended just below her shoulders. However, she had a clean bandage that was wrapped around her head.
She pulled on the man's jacket as she pouted her lips forwards. "Look! They're talking about me on the news. But what's this about a kidnapping? Mister was just saving me."
"That's right, but it's true that I kidnapped you."
"Which I'm thankful for. You're helping me hide from my parents, and you're even giving me a place to stay."
She raised her head and glanced around the unfamiliar world that she was in. The blinds above the single bed were shut, there were no dirty dishes in the sink, and the bathroom was free from dirty stains. It was definitely a clean and organised room that she should be grateful for… but there was one issue.
On the walls of the studio apartment were countless photos on the wall. Photos of herself to be exact. They were captured in various different angles and shots that covered every inch of this stranger's room.
"Yes, which resulted in your kidnapping. But there's something strange that I don't understand. Why do you trust me, your kidnapper, so much?
With her knees crouched that wrinkled the white t-shirt that didn't fit her, she rested her chin lightly against them. "Well, you have a wall that is covered in photos of me. If you love me that much, then you wouldn't dare hurt me."
"But all of those photos were taken secretly without your permission though."
The screen then transitioned to an image of a couple that was being interviewed by a reporter. The woman was crying and an old man had his arms over her. "We just want our daughter back. We're so worried about our daughter that we can't even sleep at night."
He stared at the girl, especially towards the areas of purple bruised over her arms and knees. There were even small spots of burns and faint cut marks on her pale skin.
"My parent's are only saying that for the public. All of these wounds were inflicted by them. It's funny right?"
She turned her face to the side and switched to resting on her cheeks. "Since I appeared on the news, will you be arrested?"
"If the police find me, then yes."
A slight smile crossed her face and she raised a finger up in a playful manner. "In that case, do you want to play a game?"
"A game?"
"A game were we must both escape, from the police, and from my parents." Then with a bright smile that made her pink, she said, "If we escape, you and I will get married!"
He stayed silent for a moment, eyes unfazed, and only after he coughed did he reply. "And what happens if we don't escape?"
"If that happens, then we'll die together. Since you'll be in jail and I would be with my parents, then isn't it better to die?"
"I see, you're right. Then I'll have to give it my all so that we'll definitely escape."