If I have one cliche, and I add another, how many cliches do I have?

[Broad statement about the nature of life, the universe and everything. Statement has to be decidedly vague and meaningless so as to emulate one's inner teenage angst]

[Introduction of character doing mundane things (i.e. reading, walking, thinking, casting fireballs because he's a level 3 mage). After that, a lengthy exposition detailing either

a. His/her previous life (and hopefully how it cut short)

b. How terrible his/(in rare occasions)her life is currently despite being relatively well off

c. Any other form of a tragic Batman-esque backstory

After which, a detailed description of the system is necessary, whether it be a system based on magic, magic, martial arts imbued with magic, or sorcery. It is at this point where a text of suitable length (1000-1500, designed so that a reader may just skim over it, or ignore any errors in the writing)]