A Burden?

They packed their things and Dimo led Kyoryu out of the cave, Kyoryu carefully memorized the way outside so that he can go out on his own, Dimo saw what he was doing and chuckled "Don't worry Kyoryu, I won't forbid you from going out anymore, because you're already in the right age to go out, but from now on you need to follow me and listen to what I have to say so that you won't be a burden, okay?" Dimo said while having a resolute face.

They headed out to place a lot of dinosaur traps, they've also fixed some of the traps because the other traps was trampled by the big ones or the captured dinosaur was eaten by another one.

We went to the latest trap that Dimo set up to find a trapped dinosaur, it's a Dracorex an herbivorous dinosaur that has a long snout and a skull with numerous spikes and bumps. The trap failed to completely capture the creature but it was still stuck and injured, they've gone near it to completely finish it but suddenly it became agitated, it looks like it fears something and it's nearby. They turned around to see a Carnotaurus, it's one of Kyoryu's favourite dinosaurs in his previous life but not here. Because from his previous life this dinosaur are just bones and not a predator with a sharp horn protruding in its heads.

Dimo pulled Kyoryu away from the scene, they can only reluctantly accept this as they don't have the necessary weapon and were not strong enough to deal with this kind of dinosaur. Dimo and Kyoryu went back to the cave it was already late and being outside is bad thing to do in the night, because a lot of predatory dinosaurs that are only active at night are not one bit weaker than the Carnotaurus that they encountered earlier. They laid down on the cave and Dimo went to the storage room to get a piece of preserved meat that was supposed to be a reserve food in case of emergencies. "Here eat it up, don't worry we'll still be able to capture one tomorrow, this situation always happens, that's why we store food In the storage room for emergencies like this." Dimo said as he gave Kyoryu a piece of died meat.

"I know, but I just can't help the fact that I felt powerless in from of such a big dinosaur, even if I have all the knowledges I need to beat them but what would knowledge prove to be in front of overwhelming strength." Kyoryu said with a depressed look.

"Look, I've been around for already hundreds of years and being careful and cowardly was one of the things that have kept me alive for all those years. I've already grown accustomed to it, being powerless and was unable to do anything. I was once in love with a girl in a village underground, but when the underground collapsed we were separated, I tried to look around for her, but It was then at that time that a lot of predatory dinosaurs came in the entrance of our cave that I ran away from fear and starting that day, I tried to look for her, I've searched around the place where the entrance of our village was and survey around the area but I didn't find her, I haven't even had the chance to see her shadow." He paused while continuing after sighing.

"Humans are weak, Sometimes it's easier to accept our powerlessness and just go on with life." Dimo said as he patted by back.

"No, humans are not weak, you just didn't witnessed how humans dominated my previous world, we just need time. And it seems to me that that's not a problem at all, since a normal human can live up to one thousand years old in this world." Kyoryu said with a resolute face. 'I may be the one with the most limited knowledge about dinosaurs in the five of us but in the area of creating weapons out of raw materials I am number one.

Dimo went back to sleep, but Kyoryu was sleepless all night, he was trying to think of a weapon that is most suitable in this kind of situation and was easy to build with the current materials.

Morning came and Dimo woke up early to find that Kyoryu wasn't in his room, he went to the storage room to grab his weapons only to find Kyoryu inside the room. He was asleep and was holding onto something that looks like a bent wood that has a string on it. Dimo noticed that Kyoryu left a note in the table. 'From now on I won't be a burden.'

Dimo smiled and walked outside to hunt for food, when he returned with a small animal in tow, it has 4 ears and looks like a rabbit, it was one of their daily food rations, although the taste is bland it's still pretty good to eat if you don't have much of a choice and you'll be satiated easily.

"This is a bow, it can shoot arrows from afar and is a great hunting weapon, follow me I'll show you how it's used." Kyoryu said with a serious expression.

They went outside and Kyoryu brought with him the bow and the arrow. "The ammunition of this weapon is composed of thick stick, a feather and a tooth of a dinosaur, the stick is the body, the tooth is the tip and the feather of a dinosaur called Protarchaeopteryx in Kyoryu's previous world.

After we reached outside I positioned myself 100meters away from a tree and shot the arrow, I was just hoping to hit the tree but when the arrow reached the tree it drilled the tree through and the arrow embedded itself in the rock behind the tree. I guess this is what I get for crafting an arrow made of a tooth of a dinosaur.