Chapter 25: Bai Jing Ting

The next day, Yi Fei took a day off from school because her knee was still very painful. She was resting in her room when she received a chat message from Bai Jing Ting in WeChat. Bai Jing Ting asked her about her knee injury.

Yi Fei told him not to worry and that her injury was not that bad. Bai Jing Ting was one of her close friends in school so she did not want him to worry much.

Bai Jing Ting was sitting alone in his office. He felt that his day in school was boring when Yi Fei was not around. Usually, he would open the window to his office who was the opposite of the staffroom just to catch a glimpse of her but today, he didn't; because she was not around and he felt lonely.

Bai Jing Ting came to City L five years ago. He did not want to stay inside the office every day because he wanted to have the sense of freedom in doing what he liked. He knew that sooner or later, he had to take over the family business but for the time being, his parents let him do whatever he wanted.

Bai Jing Ting thought that being a physician at a middle school was fun compared to being a doctor in the hospital. His life was pretty normal and fun until Yi Fei came. His life got more interesting each day with Yi Fei around him.

Back in City K, Bai Jing Ting always attended some formal dinners because his mother insisted that he came together with them. Formal dinner usually became a matchmaking event for him.

His mother had been urging him to get married since he was 23 years old. He went to meet some of the ladies from the rich household to satisfy his mother's heart. All the ladies that he usually met were elegant and reserved. Bai Jing Ting found them boring and dull. His mother asked him to choose one that he liked and to get engaged right after. That was one of the reasons why Bai Jing Ting chose to work in City L.

When his work hours ended, Bai Jing Ting drove to Yi Fei's apartment. NaNa was with him because since Yi Fei was not around, NaNa had to call a taxi to go to work. So he took the opportunity to see Yi Fei by volunteering to send NaNa back to their apartment.

"Thank you for sending me, Brother Ting. Yi Fei's knee was not heavily injured. She just fell lightly and hit her knee. Don't worry. My Brother Chen had given her some anti-inflammatory medication and some painkillers. It should be alright by now" NaNa attempted to prevent Bai Jing Ting to see Yi Fei but to no avail, Bai Jing Ting insisted to see her.

When Bai Jing Ting entered their apartment, a very happy laugh could be heard from one of the two rooms in the house. NaNa knocked on the door with the wanted poster of Monkey D Luffy on it. After a few knocked, the door open to reveal a messy hair girl wearing a baggy shirt with EXO printed on it.

NaNa whispered to that girl and she limped hurriedly to where Bai Jing Ting was. Bai Jing Ting was relieved to see that Yi Fei was not hurt anywhere else besides the knee.

"Brother Ting, why are you here? Are you lonely?" Yi Fei asked jokingly when she was standing in front of Bai Jing Ting. She asked him to sit down then she combed her hair with her slender fingers to tame her messy hair.

Bai Jing Ting smiled before saying yes and he senselessly patted on the cowlick hair on top of Yi Fei's head. Yi Fei froze because she did not expect this gesture from Bai Jing Ting. Bai Jing Ting was aware of the situation so he coughed once before asking Yi Fei to show him her knee so that he could examine it.

Bai Jing Ting felt his heart ached when he saw the bluish-purplish bump of Yi Fei's knee. He bandaged the joint with an elastic bandage to keep down the swelling. Then he left some medicine for her as well.

His eyes kept on eyeing the tablet of medicine on the small table near the television and instantly he knew that the tablet must be the one given by Wu Chen according to what NaNa had told him inside the car just now. He insisted that Yi Fei took the medicine given by him because his medicine was more reliable since it came from him, a physician. She reminded Yi Fei not to take random medicine given by just anyone.

His mind lingered on stuff regarding Yi Fei when he thought of what happened during the staff dinner. Bai Jing Ting felt unsettled when he thought about how Wu Chen got to Yi Fei first for her injury. He wanted to be one who was there for her first. He could not help but remember the look on Wu Chen's face when Wu Chen was looking at the Yi Fei.

People said that if you want to know someone's soul, you should look at where his eyes are when you catch him smiling; Yi Fei never left Wu Chen's sight that night and Bai Jing Ting did not feel good about it.

Bai Jing Ting had always felt guilty towards Wu Chen. From the moment he was in a secret relationship with Li Wei, he had always felt the guilt whenever he saw Wu Chen. His heart told him that he was not supposed to do that at that time but he ignored his own heart.

He could not stand the guilt he had in his heart and he could feel that Li Wei was not really into their relationship. That was why he broke up with Li Wei for good. After that, whenever he tried to get close to another girl, he could not help but wonder whether the girl he was seeing already had a boyfriend or not and the guilt will resurface again.

Bai Jing Ting could not settle his own thought and he tended to create a wall between him and the women his mother introduced him to - because he did not want to be the one who broke people's relationship. The guilt he had was big enough to swallow him whole.

At first, Bai Jing Ting was annoyed by Yi Fei's incessant pestering. She was the weirdest woman he had ever met. He could not comprehend her obsession towards anime and handsome male idols. Yi Fei was so random that it puzzled him every time she blurted out something irrelevant; it captivated him every single time.

Shen Yi Fei was the first woman he let to get close with him because he could sense that Yi Fei did not have any boyfriend so that he will not cause a rift between lovers and because Yi Fei did not purposely get close to him for money.

When he was close with Yi Fei, close enough to call her his good friend, Bai Jing Ting started to open up to her and little by little, he told her the guilt he had been keeping inside his heart for so long. He expected that Yi Fei would be angry and cut all ties with him because he had caused lovers, in his case his best friends, to drift apart.

Women, for him, were an emotional creature so he was prepared to be cursed by Yi Fei when he told her about his guilt. Yi Fei always acted out of his expectation. Rather than cursing him, she comforted him instead.

"There is no mistake when it comes to love. We can't control our feeling. So, when we fall in love, we just have to go for it and that is what you exactly did. But maybe in this lifetime, you couldn't be one to be with her. She dazzled you and for a moment, you forgot all about your rationality. You might have hurt someone dear to you and you too, are hurting because of that. But people moved on with time and maybe they already did so you should move on too. You deserved to be happy. You deserved to be liberated from this guilt. You should forgive yourself"

And that time, at that moment, he fell in love with Yi Fei.