Chapter 32: I’ll see you again very soon

Their dinner went well. Everyone ate quietly; nobody talked about what happened in the kitchen earlier. Yi Fei was grateful because she would feel awkward if Wu Chen suddenly acted lovey-dovey towards her. At the same time, she was a tad disappointed because Wu Chen acted like nothing had happened. Wasn't he supposed to act a little different after all?

They all talked a bit after the dinner and when it's 9 o'clock, Yi Fei and NaNa went home.

The next morning, Yi Fei and NaNa came to Wu Chen's apartment because NaNa insisted that they should see him off at the airport. Yi Fei said that she will drive him to the airport so that he would not need to drive his own car.

When they arrived at the parking lot, Wu Chen asked for the car keys. Yi Fei was reluctant to let him drive but still, she handed over her keys to him. "Don't even think about driving yourself when I am with you" Wu Chen took the key and started the engine.

YI Fei sat on the front seat sulkily and NaNa sat at the backseat. Yi Fei felt that her driving skill was quite good and she was a very careful driver but Wu Chen treated her like those girls who just got their licence. While sulking, Yi Fei looked at Wu Chen's luggage.

"Eh... How come you only have one luggage, Bro…" Before Yi could finish her question, Wu Chen turned his head towards Yi Fei and stared at her. Her question stopped halfway before she continued asking.

"…Chen… How come you only have one luggage?" Yi Fei looked down because she couldn't stand the stare from Wu Chen.

"What did you say?" Actually, Wu Chen heard her just fine. He just wanted to hear her call his name because it sounded so nice when Yi Fei says his name without the 'brother'.

"How come you only have one luggage?" Yi Fei repeated her question.

"Who are you talking to?" Wu Chen feigned ignorance towards the question.

"I am talking to you ar…" This time, Yi Fei looked up to Wu Chen daringly.

Wu Chen looked to his left and right and looked at NaNa."There are two persons here. To whom are you talking to? Are you talking to NaNa?" Wu Chen acted like he did not know that Yi Fei was talking to him.

"No ar… I am asking you the question" Yi Fei was annoyed because Wu Chen was being childish.

"Who am I? How come you call me 'you', I have a name" Wu Chen was adamant to get Yi Fei called his name.

"I am talking to Brother Chen" Yi Fei became timid because she knew that she was being rude to Wu Chen for calling referring him to 'you' without calling his name.

Wu Chen did not give up. "Who is your brother? I am not your brother. I told you yesterday, I don't want to be your brother".

Seeing the situation in front of her, NaNa pitied Yi Fei. Out of all the guys that Yi Fei could seduce, she just had to make his brother fell in love with her. Her brother was ruthless and he won't stop until he gets what he wants. Unable to tolerate the bullying from her brother, NaNa attempted to help Yi Fei.

"Yi Fei, just call him Chen or any names you think that would suit him. Right, Chen?" NaNa spoke to Yi Fei while smiling smugly towards Wu Chen.

Feeling annoyed that NaNa interrupted their conversation, Wu Chen glared at her. "You are my sister so you need to call me brother but Fei Fei is not my sister so she must not call me brother".

Yi Fei did not speak anymore so Wu Chen started the car and the Goddess was moving swiftly towards the direction of the airport. On their way to the airport, Wu Chen and NaNa talked about their family stuff and Yi Fei could not relate to the topic at all so she was quiet along the way to the airport.

Wu Chen took the afternoon flight so he had another few hours before the boarding time. NaNa suggested that they should accompany Wu Chen until he boarded. Yi Fei nodded and sat down on one of the chairs quietly.

NaNa and Wu Chen sat next to each other meanwhile Yi Fei sat beside NaNa. Wu Chen and NaNa talked about a lot of things, Yi Fei sat there quietly. It was not as if Yi Fei wanted to accompany Wu Chen until his flight time but Wu Chen did not return her car key. She could not go even if she wanted to. If she wanted to ask for the key, she was sure that Wu Chen won't give the key easily.

At the same time, Yi Fei was sad that Wu Chen returned to City K. She was not sure how to wish him well in City K when she did not even want him to return.

Wu Chen saw that Yi Fei was down; he looked at his watch and estimated that he had around one hour before his boarding time.

"NaNa, could you please go and buy us all a drink. I saw a kiosk of that bubble tea drink you like near the entrance of this airport but the queue is long. It would take some time for you to buy them. Fei Fei must be tired, she was very quiet the whole way" Wu Chen stressed on the 'some time' while smiling at NaNa.

NaNa gave a knowing smile to his brother. She stood up quickly and started to walk away. Every few steps, NaNa would turn around to look at the two persons. She only stopped doing that after Wu Chen mouthed 'go away' to her.

Yi Fei was oblivious to the exchanged between Wu Chen and NaNa. Wu Chen scooted over next to Yi Fei making Yi Fei's heart to beat erratically.

"Fei Fei, are you okay? You don't talk much today. What are you thinking about?" Wu Chen sent NaNa off so that he could spend some time with Yi Fei before he boarded the plane.

"I was just thinking about how it would be only NaNa and me after this" Yi Fei did not want to tell Wu Chen that she felt quite sad because he was leaving.

Wu Chen smiled and handed over her car key. "Here, take this".

Yi Fei took the key. "Thank you bro…" before she could finish her sentence, Wu Chen coughed and gave her a probing look.

"Fei Fei, we talked about this yesterday" Wu Chen wanted to make sure that Yi Fei would get rid of the 'brother' title for him.

Hearing how Wu Chen called her 'Fei Fei', Yi Fei had an idea.

She smiled widely causing the other person to be in trance. "Thank you, Chen Chen".

Wu Chen's lips twitched when he heard Yi Fei called him Chen Chen because it sounded so childish. Before he could say anything on that, Yi Fei who saw his lips twitching offered explanation without being asked.

"I also don't like Fei Fei ar... it sounds so childish but did I whined about it? No right? Since you called me with such a childish name, then it is only right if I get to call you with a childish name as well" Yi Fei talked in one go, not sparing any chance for an interruption.

"No one calls me Fei Fei. Even the teachers in school and the students as well call me Miss Fei ar… You are the only one who is not" Yi Fei continued with her explanation.

Wu Chen thought of how the people he met during the staff dinner addressed Yi Fei as Miss Fei and Bai Jing Ting called her Fei. It was only right for him to call her Fei Fei to show that he was not on the same level as other people.

"And I'm sure nobody calls you Chen Chen so I am the first one to call you by Chen Chen. Don't you think it is refreshing to have a new name?" Still continuing her explanation, Wu Chen did not show any sign of interrupting.

When Yi Fei saw that Wu Chen was quiet, she thought that Wu Chen was still dissatisfied with the nickname she gave her. "Chen Chen... can you just let me win this time?" Yi Fei was looking at him with puppy eyes.

Wu Chen laughed when he heard Yi Fei asked him to let her win. They were not even arguing or competing over something but she asked him to let her win. He stopped laughing and smiled lovingly towards Yi Fei. "Fine. You win. I will let you win over me every time if you want to".

Yi Fei was so happy because of that and before she could say anything, they heard the announcement for the afternoon flight. Wu Chen stood up and Yi Fei stood up after him. Her mood became down again.

"That's my flight. Time to go" Wu Chen looked at the sad looking Yi Fei. Yi Fei was just standing there looking quite sad.

From Wu Chen's point of view, Yi Fei looked like a pitiful cat who wanted to be hugged. He had the urged to hug her. He did not know how Yi Fei will react but he took the risk anyway.

He took one step to enclose the gap between them and hugged Yi Fei. Yi Fei was so shocked by the hug that she was just standing still in her place.

"Don't miss me too much". Wu Chen was satisfied because Yi Fei did not push him away.

Yi Fei was dumbfounded by the hug and she could feel that Wu Chen had planted his chin on top of her head. Or was it a kiss?

Thinking about that, Yi Fei's face reddened. Wu Chen let go of her and patted her head. He took his luggage and walked towards the gate. Before he went into the gate, Wu Chen looked back to see that Yi Fei was still standing there with a red face.

"I'll see you again very soon" He smiled and waved at Yi Fei.