Chapter 124: Troublesome Trio 3

Yi Fei, John, and Ying Yue sat in the same table. They were seated at a table of four. Yi Fei sat in between John and Ying Yue. Jun Liu was supposed to join them, but he was nowhere to be seen. Wu Chen wanted to take Jun Liu's seat, but Yi Fei prohibited him from doing so because he needed to sit with the Chong and the Wu.

Jun Liu came to their table a few minutes after they started eating. Yi Fei greeted him, but as usual, he was tight-lipped, but Yi Fei was used to it.

On the other hand, John got all heart eyes upon seeing a handsome man sitting beside him. He extended his hand for a handshake. "Hi, I'm John. You must be Jun Liu."

Jun Liu nodded once and shook John's hand, and he let it go quickly like it was some virus. John didn't mind. A handsome man was usually cold, and John liked handsome man the most. Yi Fei saw that John had a weird idea of Jun Liu, so she warned him.

"Johnny, don't even think about it. NaNa and Ah Jun get along well now. Right Ah Jun?" Yi Fei turned to Jun Liu to seek support from him. Yi Fei got ignored of course.

Seeing that Jun Liu ignored her, Yi Fei turned to Ying Yue for back up. "Yue Yue, your uncle and NaNa get along well, right?"

Ying Yue who was considered the baby of the group nodded her head excitedly. She whispered to Yi Fei's ear, and both of them giggled hysterically. John wanted to know why they were very excited but Yi Fei didn't want to tell him.

Jun Liu had a bad feeling when he saw Yi Fei and Ying Yue whispered to ear other discreetly. He knew that Yi Fei was a formidable opponent when it comes to scheming a weird plan. Distraction was the last thing he needed at the moment.

Since Yi Fei didn't want to let John in of their secret, John felt down because he felt so left out in the conversation. Jun Liu was handsome, but he liked gossip more. This was one of the reasons why he got along well with NaNa too.

"It's no use loving you. NaNa is the best. I will only love her from now on". John was sulking.

At first, Jun Liu didn't care about John who was sitting beside him. He thought that John was one of NaNa's friends. When he heard John said that he will only love NaNa from now on, Jun Liu assumed that John was in love with NaNa.

Thinking that another handsome man was in love with NaNa did not sit well with Jun Liu.

Jun Liu scanned John from head to toe. He admitted that John looked dashingly handsome and stylish, but Jun Liu thought that he was not bad himself. Jun Liu kept on staring at John, so John tried blinking his eyes a few times.

From John's side, he was trying to flirt with Jun Liu because he could feel that Jun Liu had been staring at him for quite sometimes. Jun Liu misunderstood the repeated blinking as a declaration of war Jun Liu felt as if John was trying to provoke him by repeatedly blinking as if he was making fun of him.

The baby, Ying Yue, and the fake baby, Yi Fei, were oblivious to whatever was happening between John and Jun Liu. Yi Fei suddenly remembered about the birthday gift.

"John, where is the birthday gift you prepared for NaNa? I already gave mine to her."

When Yi Fei mentioned about the birthday gift, John and Ying Yue took out their gift respectively. Jun Liu was the only one who didn't. Yi Fei was curious about Jun Liu's birthday gift for NaNa, but she was disappointed because Jun Liu didn't bring any.

"Ah Jun, don't tell me…" Yi Fei gasped dramatically. Her right hand covered her mouth, and she put her left hand on her chest; she patted her chest like she was about to have a heart attack.

All eyes of the people who sat on the table were on her. Yi Fei was outstanding in acting. She knew how to attract the attention of her targeted audience. The three persons were quiet, and they waited for Yi Fei to continue speaking.

"Don't tell me that you are gifting your body to her? NaNa is not into S & M" Yi Fei said the S&M out loud that the guests from the table next to them turned their head towards Yi Fei.

John was so embarrassed, so he hit Yi Fei's shoulder lightly. "You are embarrassing us."

Since Yi Fei was happy, she was in the mood of being playful. She gasped again, this time it was even more dramatic than the previous one.

"I've been hit by… I've been hit by…" Yi Fei acted as if John was a cruel friend.

"If you keep on embarrassing us, I am going to wipe your face with a wet tissue" John took out a wet tissue out of nowhere.

"I've been hit by smooth criminal…dodo dodo do do do…" Yi Fei continued her sentences by singing the Smooth Criminal.

Ying Yue was so entertained by watching Yi Fei and John. On the other hand, Jun Liu was surprised to see the wet tissue out of nowhere. It was rare for a guy to carry wet tissue with him all the time. Unless if he was wearing makeup. Jun Liu observed John's face to see whether John was wearing makeup or not.

Since it was at night, Jun Liu couldn't see whether John wore makeup or not. Being observed by such a handsome guy made John felt nervous.

"So, Ah Jun. Where is your gift? Are you seriously considering gifting your body to NaNa?" John was asking because he was nervous under the scrutiny of Jun Liu's eyes but Jun Liu took it the wrong way.

Ever since Jun Liu heard that John said that he would only love NaNa, Jun Liu felt as if everything done by John was to provoke him including the simple question whether he was considering to gift his body to NaNa. How could he felt good with someone else saying that they will only love NaNa from now on?

NaNa was the first female he ever got stuck on. How could he ever give up on her?

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Jun Liu did not answer directly. Instead, he asked a question. Jun Liu did not show anything on his face.

Ying Yue could feel malicious aura came from her uncle. She didn't know why but she could feel that her uncle did not like John much. Ying Yue wondered why.

"So, are you or are you not?" Yi Fei was interested in Jun Liu's answer as well. Unlike Ying Yue, Yi Fei couldn't feel anything wrong going on between John and Jun Liu.

"I already give her my gift. She was wearing it now." Jun Liu did not want to tell them but to prevent Yi Fei from making a wild assumption; Jun Liu had to.

"You are the one who gave the necklace to her and not Chen Chen?"

"The rose necklace was from you, like seriously?"

Both Yi Fei and John spoke at the same time. Well, one couldn't blame them for being surprised since both Yi Fei and John had their assumption over who gifted NaNa the necklace.

The one who was shocked the most would be Ying Yue. How could she not recognize the rose necklace designed by her mother? She remembered it clearly that the rose necklace was her mother's favorite design and it came in with matching ring.

If Ying Yue was not mistaken, the rose necklace and the rose ring were sold as a set, and it was impossible for it to be sold separately. Why did the heck her uncle buy a necklace and a ring?

After thinking about it for a moment, Ying Yue had an epiphany. She whispered to Yi Fei's ear, and Yi Fei was so excited upon hearing the things whispered by Ying Yue to her.

Yi Fei leaned over to John and whispered something to his ear. At first, John was shocked, and then he was sad. After that, his expression changed from sad to excited. Seeing that the three people kept on whispering to each other in front of him, Jun Liu felt so left out.

Suddenly, John and Yi Fei stood up and walked away from the table. They were acting so suspicious with all the whispering and sly smile.

"Uncle Ajuniu, do you have anything against John?" Ying Yue asked the question that she wanted to ask since she felt the malicious aura emitted by her uncle. Jun Liu looked indifferent.

"I couldn't trust him not to try something with you. He better not try anything with you or I'll…" Jun Liu did not get to finish his sentence because Ying Yue was laughing maniacally.

"Try what? John is not interested in women. He likes guy" Ying Yue told Jun Liu about John. While John was helping her with her hair, John kept on talking about a handsome and cute guy he saw when he came into the house.

Jun Liu was dumbfounded, and he felt stupid. However, he felt relieved knowing that John was not interested in NaNa.

Ying Yue didn't know what was inside her uncle's mind; she thought that her uncle didn't like John because her uncle felt that John wanted to try something with Ying Yue. Then she asked the question she wanted to know the most.

"Uncle Ajuniu, the rose necklace came with a matching ring, right? So, where's the ring?" Ying Yue only saw the necklace on NaNa's neck. She was not sure whether NaNa was wearing a matching ring or not.

"The ring will make its appearance sooner or later. The ring is the one to rule them all; to bind them" Jun Liu had a gentle smile on his face.

Recently, Ying Yue felt that she couldn't understand her uncle anymore. Previously, her uncle will speak directly. He doesn't use flowery words or riddles. Now her uncle was getting weird talking about the ring to rule and bind them. Ying Yue didn't even have an idea of 'them.'

A loud toast could be heard from the VIP table.

Jun Liu turned his head to see Yi Fei, NaNa and John were walking towards their table with a glass of wine with each of them. The three of them were sipping their wine happily.

Yi Fei had a smug smile on her face, and NaNa's face was flushed red. John was no better; he looked like an evil lord.

Meanwhile, behind the three of them, there was a very panic looking Wu Chen trying to catch up with the trio.