Chapter 127: Trouble 1

From the VIP table, Yi Fei could see that only NaNa and Jun Liu sat there.

Yi Fei was quite happy to be able to sit in the VIP table with the elders, but her palms were itchy to do something fun when she saw that there was an opening on NaNa's side.

"Aunties and uncles please excuse me. I am going to make a toast to NaNa first" Yi Fei excused herself politely.

The elders were not willing to let Yi Fei go because she was so entertaining with her story about her life and also NaNa's life in City L, but since Yi Fei said that she wants to make a toast to NaNa, they let her go and asked her to visit often in the future.

YI Fei promised them that she'd visit again soon and walked away from the table. Wu Chen followed after her.

NaNa's parents and also Wu Chen's parents retreated to the main house after Wu Chen and Yi Fei left the table. The rest of the guests were going back too so only a few people left in the backyard.

Seeing that Wu Chen followed her, Yi Fei felt that she couldn't do anything that she wants.

"Chen Chen, why are you following me? I'm just going to find NaNa and Ying Yue to talk about our sleepover" Yi Fei wanted to go alone because Wu Chen won't let her drink any alcoholic drink.

"No, I will accompany you wherever you want to go tonight. I have a feeling that you'll about to cause troubles" Wu Chen walked beside Yi Fei and sneakily put his hand on Yi Fei's waist to claim his territory.

When Yi Fei and Wu Chen arrived at the table, it looked as if NaNa and Jun Liu were having some kind of staring contest. NaNa was staring at Jun Liu as if she was trying to read what's on his mind and Jun Liu was smiling slyly.

Both NaNa and Jun Liu were lost in their world that they didn't even notice the presence of two extra characters that approached their table.

"When people in love stare into each other's eyes, their heartbeats in sync together" Yi Fei suddenly spoke and made the two people who were in a staring competition to snap back into reality.

Jun Liu didn't say anything; he continued sipping his wine casually. Meanwhile, NaNa was flushed red with Yi Fei's comment.

"What-what are you saying? What love-in love? I-I don't know what are you saying. Ha-haha-ha" NaNa was stuttering, and she was laughing awkwardly. At the same time, she instinctively touched the rose necklace on her neck with her right hand.

Wu Chen saw the necklace, and he automatically knew where the necklace came from. That necklace was one of the most expensive pieces in the Jewellery shop owned by Jun Liu's sister. He even remembered that the necklace also comes together with a matching ring.

Yi Fei looked at Wu Chen, and at the same time, Wu Chen looked at Yi Fei. Both of them seemed to understand that something is going on between NaNa and Jun Liu.

"Ah Jun, can I talk to you for a second?" Wu Chen gestured to Jun Liu to follow him. Jun Liu put down his wine glass. Only NaNa and Yi Fei left at the table.

When Wu Chen was gone, Yi Fei saw her chance to drink. There was a wine glass in front of Yi Fei, so Yi Fei asked the server to refill the glass with red wine. The server came and refilled the glass and then, Yi Fei had an idea.

She asked the server to refill the other glasses on the table.

YI Fei couldn't say for sure but she had an idea of what's going on between NaNa and Jun Liu. She knew better not to meddle in other people's love affair, but Yi Fei felt that it might not be a crime to give a little push from the side.

While NaNa was absentmindedly, Yi Fei handed over Jun Liu's glass to NaNa, and she took the drink next to NaNa. She clinked their glasses together.

"For our boyfriend" Yi Fei drank the wine from her glass and NaNa drank from the glass handed to her by Yi Fei.

"NaNa, much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment, and things left unsaid." Yi Fei didn't say anything, they drink after that, but both her and NaNa kept on asking for a refill.

Wu Chen and Jun Liu returned to their table to see a drunken NaNa who was dancing while sitting and a quiet Yi Fei. Wu Chen heaved a sigh of relief because Yi Fei looked sober enough for him. But talking about Yi Fei, there's not a thing normal enough for her.

John and Ying Yue were sitting on the neighbouring table with an amused smile on their face. Ying Yue was recording NaNa who was dancing in a funny way and John was doing nothing to stop her.

Wu Chen shook his head. He and Jun Liu left for less than 20 minutes to discuss an essential thing, and this happened to NaNa? Wu Chen looked at Jun Liu to deal with NaNa while he went over to Yi Fei.

"Fei Fei, what are you…" Wu Chen did not manage to finish his sentence when Yi Fei turned to him with a sly smile on her smile.

"Who rrunnn thee worldd?" Suddenly, Yi Fei was shouting while still sitting down on her seat.

"Girls" John answered.

"Girrlllss" NaNa also responded to Yi Fei's question.

Both NaNa and John said their answer at the same time. Yi Fei and NaNa amused John. He kept on sipping his wine. He looked like he was already tipsy.

Yi Fei stood up and staggered, but she managed to keep standing on her feet. "Whoo rrunn thiss mothaa yeahh?" Yi Fei pointed her finger to NaNa and John. Both NaNa and John played along with Yi Fei. They answered her simultaneously by shouting 'Girls' louder than before.

By now, only the six of them plus a few workers were in the garden. Jun Liu went over to Ying Yue to ask her to stop recording, but Ying Yue did not comply with his instruction.

"Uncle Ajuniu, John asks me to record them so he could keep this memory… But uncle, you should settle this yourself. Why do you think NaNa-Sama got drunk?" Jun Liu was shocked to hear that Ying Yue was talking back to him. He thought that Ying must be in her rebellious phase.

"Why are you drunk?" Jun Liu asked the drunken NaNa without any emotion on his face.

NaNa giggled in a silly way. She went over to Jun Liu's left side, took his left hand and put it on her right cheek.

"Because I-I want to kiss you-uu" Then, NaNa threw herself towards Jun Liu's embrace.

The person who was shocked the most would be Wu Chen. John and Yi Fei were clapping; they were hyping NaNa who threw herself towards Jun Liu.

Wu Chen went over to Yi Fei who was staggering a little bit for clapping too hard. He held Yi Fei towards his embrace to steady her; he was afraid that Yi Fei might fall. Yi Fei climbed onto Wu Chen and clung to him like a koala.

Seeing that Yi Fei was climbing happily, NaNa wanted to jump onto Jun Liu too. But before she could do anything, Jun Liu pulled her away from him. He asked again. "Why are you drunk?"

NaNa didn't answer, she only giggled. Instead, Ying Yue who was recording the whole thing responded to the question.

"Just now, when they started drinking, I heard Yi Fei said that the glass wine was used by you so if NaNa-Sama drink from it, it means that she is kissing you indirectly. I don't know the rest of the story, but after that, NaNa kept on drinking in one shot, and she finished a bottle of the wine all by herself."

Wu Chen looked at the little troublemaker who was clinging on him. He knew it. It must be Yi Fei who initiated the whole thing. Wu Chen patted Yi Fei's hair, and Yi Fei turned to face him with a mischievous smile.

"Chen Chen-nnn, I amm Cuuppidd. Pat mee" Yi Fei was slurring. She was so happy. She climbed down and pointed to NaNa and Jun Liu.

"O-okay. NaNaaa, you-uu mayy kiss the groom" Yi Fei clapped hard, and she fell before Wu Chen was able to catch her.

"Kiss-kiss-kiss-kiss" John was hyping the whole thing. He even laughed when Yi Fei fell.

NaNa looked at Jun Liu and did nothing. At first she was giggling but suddenly, her face changed from happy to sad.

"I-I don't under-r-stand. You-uu like me orr not?" NaNa sat down on the nearest seat she could find.

"I…teachh science, I had enoughhh offf hypothesiss… I don'ttt understandd beating aroundd the bushhh" NaNa looked as if she was about to cry.

The workers who were busy cleaning up the whole place stopped working to see what's happening with the six people.

Wu Chen saw that they had caught the attention of the workers which is not a good thing if gossips were circulating in the social media. So, Wu Chen instructed the worker to stop working and evacuate the garden. The workers did as told.

Then Wu Chen asked Ying Yue to stop filming and to help guide John to the mansion. Wu Chen scooped Yi Fei in a bridal style before looking towards NaNa and Jun Liu.

"Ah Jun, please take care of NaNa for me. My hands are full with this idiot" Wu Chen lips pursed towards Yi Fei. Yi Fei was giggling happily and nestled her head in Wu Chen's chest. Wu Chen carried Yi Fei away from the place to the mansion.

"Come, let's go in. You need to sleep" Jun Liu didn't know how to coax a drunken woman.

"My feeling… What are youu goinggg to do…with my feeling?" NaNa looked at Jun Liu with tears in her eyes.

"Then, what are you going to do with mine?" Jun Liu asked NaNa back.

Jun Liu didn't wait for NaNa to answer his question. He scooped her down in a bridal style and walked towards the mansion either she liked it or not.