Chapter 148: Danger 1

The days went by quickly.

It has been two weeks since Bai Jing Ting confessed to her. After the confession, Bai Jing Ting did not show his face to Yi Fei. Meanwhile, Yi Fei didn't look for him either. She understands that Bai Jing Ting needed time to move on.

The rest of the teachers in Faith Middle School saw that Bai Jing Ting and Yi Fei seemed to distance themselves from each other, but they did not ask what happened. They assumed that something must have occurred between the two since rumors were circulating amongst the students that Yi Fei has a boyfriend and it wasn't Physician Bai.

Yi Fei and Wu Chen had been spending much time together, the same goes to NaNa and Jun Liu. But, recently, there's something that had been bothering Yi Fei. She didn't know how to describe her feeling, but she has the sense that she was being watched.

Especially inside the school.

Yi Fei didn't know whether someone from inside the school had been watching her, but the feeling she got was that of malicious intent. Yi Fei didn't want to be paranoid, so she kept it all inside her.

After the school holiday, there were a few new faces in the school. There were two new female janitors and a male gardener since Jason didn't have to stay in disguise. There is no additional teacher, of course, Cheng Xiao Meng's seat stayed empty for the time being.

The two female janitors were female in their forty. Both of them were very friendly with the teachers and the students including Yi Fei. The new gardener is in his forty too but compared to the other two newcomers; the gardener is not that friendly. But since he is Couldn't it in his work, Yi Fei thought that it was cool.

One of the janitors is tall, and people in the school called her Auntie Zhang meanwhile the other one is shorter, and she was called Auntie Yu.

Yi Fei had just finished her class for the day and was about to head to the staffroom when she heard that Auntie Zhang and Auntie Yu were chatting idlely while sweeping the corridor. Yi Fei didn't want to join them to talk because she was tired but the topic of conversation was fascinating. It's about Wu Chen.

"Ah Yu, do you know the handsome man who always appears on the TV? The only heir to the Wu Group?"

"Ahh…Ah Zheng, you also know that guy. What's his name again? Wu Chan… Wu Changsure Wu…"

"Its's Wu Chen" Yi Fei appeared from behind the elders. She offered them her sincere smile. The two elders smiled back in response.

"Yes. Yes. That's his name. Wu Chen. Even his name tells us that he is great." Auntie Yu commented.

"Miss Fei, you also know him?" The other auntie asked Yi Fei.

Yi Fei had to control herself from spilling the news about her being the fiancée of Wu Chen. Since Wu Chen and she had yet to announce their engagement to the media, Yi Fei did not want to tell other people about it yet. In case people will think of her as a delusional fangirl of Wu Chen.

Previously before meeting Wu Chen, Yi Fei was a delusional fan girl of Zhang Yixing. She referred to him as 'my husband' or something like that. Heck, Yi Fei even referred to the whole of EXO as her babies. She bought all their albums and their merchandises. That is how much of a dedicated fan she is.

"Yes, I know him very…" Yi Fei was about to say very well, but the aunties were so excited they even cut her off.

"I heard that Wu Chen had a family in this school. Is that true?" By now, auntie Yu's eyes were shining brilliantly. "It's the Chong. The only Chong here would be Miss NaNa. Is she the family member of that handsome Wu Chen?"

Keeping a secret from the media would be hard. Since NaNa's last birthday made it to the newspaper, the appearance of Chong NaNa as the sole heir of the Chong family is not a big secret anymore. So, Yi Fei nodded as a confirmation.

The two aunties were so excited. They were squealing and planning on asking autograph from NaNa later. They even hoped to see Wu Chen in real life. After all, they came from the countryside, and Wu Chen was more like a celebrity for them.

Yi Fei wanted to tell them that she was the fiancée of the Wu Chen, but the aunties were too excited even to hear her out. So Yi Fei walked towards the staffroom dejectedly. Well, she is the fiancee after all.

When Yi Fei reached her seat, she took out the drama script given by her head panel. There will be an English Drama competition in the next three weeks, so Yi Fei had to revise the script and help out with the preparation.

Usually, the one in charge for drama would be Cheng Xiao Meng, but since Cheng Xiao Meng was not around at the moment, the responsibility fell to her shoulder. Yi Fei had to stay back a bit late because she wanted to finish revising the script.

The rest of her colleagues already went back, leaving her alone in the staffroom. NaNa had a dinner date with Jun Liu, and Jun Liu already picked her up after school.

Yi Fei looked at her watch; it was almost six o'clock. She'll have dinner with Wu Chen at the hotel half an hour after six so Yi Fei stopped reading the drama script and head out from the staffroom.

The school compound was eerily quiet, especially during the dusk hour. Yi Fei could feel that someone or something was watching her. She cannot say for certain. But one thing she as sure about was that, she was scared.

When Yi Fei was about to reach her car, she heard footsteps.

"Miss Fei, you shouldn't go back too late. It's dangerous when it's dark". Someone spoke from behind.

Upon hearing the unknown voice behind her, Yi Fei felt as if her soul was about to leave her body. Yi Fei chanted 'please don't let it be a weird person, please don't let it be a pervert' while slowly turning her body to look at the owner of the voice.

Yi Fei sighed in relief when she saw the new gardener was the one who spoke behind her. The new gardener was known as Uncle Tang by the students. Yi Fei never talks to him since he seems as if he doesn't really like talking too. This would be their first conversation.

"Many bad things happen when it's dark. You should never be alone when it's dark" The man known as Uncle Tang was wearing a security uniform. "I work as a security guard too. My eldest is starting university soon, so I need money".

Yi Fei and Uncle Tang did not talk much. Yi Fei excused herself and went into her car. It couldn't be just her imagination right? She felt as if she was being watched and suddenly, Uncle Tang was behind her. Yi Fei tried to be positive and thought that her feeling of being observed was only her imagination.


Somewhere in the middle of the night, a certain someone received a text message.

"How long till you get paid? Xiao You keeps on crying every night because she is hungry. We don't have any food anymore. Can you send us money tomorrow morning?"

That certain someone sighed. Life is so hard for them.