Chapter 162: Men

Jun Liu showed John the room that he will be sleeping in.

The previously empty room now had the basic furniture in it since Wu Chen asked his people to fill in the room with a bed and some other furniture during the day.

"Thanks for letting me crash in here for a few days. The girls must be lonely since both of their boyfriends are working during the day." John wanted to stay in the hotel but thanks to Wu Chen, he could stay close the girls for free.

Jun Liu ignored the thankful speeches from John, and he went to the kitchen to get some water when he noticed that John was following him. Jun Liu turned around.

"Do you want to drink something too? I don't have a strong alcoholic drink in here" Having someone to follow him in his house was uncomfortable. John did not say anything. He only smiled at Jun Liu.

The smile made Jun Liu had a goose bump. The smile from John was so creepy that it made Jun Liu questioned himself whether what NaNa told him earlier was a warning and not a joke.

"I know a few things about NaNa that a lot of people didn't know. Want to know?" John raised his eyebrows a few times in an attempt to persuade Jun Liu to ask more about the secret of NaNa.

John talked a bit of a very scandalous secret that NaNa had, and Jun Liu was attempted to ask John, but he knew that it was not right. They talked for a while before Jun Liu seriously considering whether he should be associating himself with John or not.

Asking about NaNa from other people would be unwise. Jun Liu didn't want to know about NaNa from outsiders other than NaNa herself, but the way John talked made him curious about it. Jun Liu was about to say 'yes' but Wu Chen's voice spoke to them.

"I need a drink; a light one" Wu Chen spoke from the living room.

Jun Liu and John looked at each other.

"Are you going to let him boss you around just like that even though this is your house?" John spoke first.

Jun Liu took three cans of beer from the fridge. He threw one to John. "Well, technically he is my boss, and Wu Group owned this apartment complex. So, basically, he was the owner of the house. We are just freeloader." Jun Liu went to the living room and passed the beer to Wu Chen.

"Let me guess, Yi Fei banishes you here as per initial arrangement" Jun Liu sat on the sofa on Wu Chen's side. He hoped that would be the case so he could feel a sense of superiority over discarded Wu Chen.

John sat the opposite of Wu Chen. He was happy that the men gathered together. Having two good-looking men beside him made John happy. "My honey is a shy and conservative lady. Don't blame her".

One of the things Wu Chen not satisfied with John would be the way he called Yi Fei as his 'honey'. Gay or not, Yi Fei is his fiancée, so Wu Chen didn't like it when other man called her with some endearment even though he knew that it meant good.

"Johnny, the wedding will be next month. Are you going to continue calling Fei Fei as your honey?" Wu Chen opened the can of beer and sipped it while throwing John side eyes.

"HUH! How come the wedding is next month? Are you conning my honey into this? Last time I heard, the wedding will be somewhere next year. Are you kidding me?" John opened his beer and gulped everything in one go."I don't believe this… Also, you are not allowed to call me Johnny. Only the girls can call me that."

Then John looked at Jun Liu. "You are not getting married too, aren't you?" Jun Liu didn't say anything, and he continued sipping his beer quietly.

John was frustrated. It seemed as if it was only yesterday that the three of them, Yi Fei, NaNa and him, were being the single friends and today, he suddenly got the news that one is getting married and one is taken.

The three grown-up men ended up drinking a lot of beer because a certain someone keeps on betting this and that. The three men all slept in the living room.


"Wakey wakey" NaNa came to Jun Liu's house early in the morning to get John. She rang the bell excitedly.

A very grumpy Jun Liu opened the door. He was not used to drinking during the weekdays because he was a responsible man who went to work in a particular time since John kept on asking them to bet by using NaNa and Yi Fei, Wu Chen and he had no other choice.

Upon smelling the strong alcohol from Jun Liu, NaNa had to distance herself away from Jun Liu.

"How much did you drink? I knew this would happen when John is around." NaNa approached Jun Liu, but this time, she pinched her nose so that she won't be able to smell the alcohol stench.

"John…" NaNa called for John because she couldn't stand the smell inside the house.

"Johnnyyyyyyyyy" NaNa tried again. A muffled sound could be heard from inside the house.

A few minutes later, John emerged to the door with messy hair. He smiled triumphantly towards Jun Liu. "Hey, darling. I am going to teach you to drive later. Call me John Sensei."

John and NaNa kept on talking while ignoring Jun Liu. John and NaNa made a promise, and when NaNa was about to return to Wu Chen's house, Jun Liu grabbed her hand. "Be careful later".

NaNa looked at Jun Liu, and she suddenly had this uncomfortable feeling inside her that she couldn't explain, but NaNa nodded anyway and gave a flying kiss to Jun Liu because she won't give him a good morning kiss when he reeked of alcohol.

Right after NaNa returned to Wu Chen's house, Wu Chen entered his home, also reeked with alcohol. NaNa distanced herself from her brother and advised him to clean up as soon as possible.

Wu Chen entered his room and saw that Yi Fei was still asleep with her phone on her side. By right, Yi Fei couldn't use her phone to tap the screen because her hands were bandaged, so Wu Chen didn't know why the phone will be at her side. Also, after Yi Fei ate the porridge cooked by the caretaker last night, she ate her medication, and she fell asleep right after she banished Wu Chen from the room.

Not wanting to wake her up, Wu Chen tiptoeing around his room. He realised that there were additional three A2 sized posters on his wall making it a total of six posters now. There were additional posters of a skeleton with an afro, a girl with orange hair and a blue cyborg.

Wu Chen shook his head. He didn't know what was on Yi Fei's mind when she put off those posters of hers. Wu Chen decided to talk with Yi Fei when she woke up later and for now, he needed to shower.

Wu Chen removed his clothes and headed to the bathroom - naked. He was about to close the door to the bathroom when he heard a whisper. Wu Chen was pretty sure that Yi Fei was still asleep when he came into the room but now, maybe not.

Maybe Yi Fei was pretending that she was sleeping like she did yesterday because what he heard made him realise how patient he should be in handling little kid, or the little idiot.

Wu Chen turned to see Yi Fei on the bed. Yi Fei rolled to her side facing the direction of the bathroom with closed eyes. Then she whispered:

"Hey Siri, please open the camera".