A Unique Quality

There were simply too many things that had happened to him since he arrived in this jungle, that made no sense to him.

First, he was in a jungle and he cannot remember how he came here.

Second, being in a jungle there were no insects coming near him even though he saw quite a few while roaming around the jungle in past few hours.

Third, other than a little headache he was feeling very comfortable, to the level where he could smell the sweet freshness in the air while breathing, which tingled his whole body. This was actually the most comfortable place that he has ever been in his life that he could remember. It was a very oddly comfortable feeling for him.

Fourth, was that when his headache concentrated right in between his eyes when he first had eye contact with that first silver eyed green snake who was eating that brown bird.

And finally, fifth, snakes do not like to move after they had consumed their prey unless they are threatened in anyway, but not only one but all of the snakes on that tree moved towards him including that first silver eyed snake who had just finished his meal.

Being just a scientist, June is not blessed with some god sent survival instincts or any kind of superhuman capability like mental strength or inhuman stamina or genius level IQ. In fact, June is actually a man that is just too simple by nature, and he had accepted his simplistic nature during his early childhood.

Then the question comes how in the world did he win Nobel Prize at such a young age?

What was that special quality which he had that made him different from the others? Or a quality that made him better than the others?

The answer to this question is "acceptance".

Actually, this is a very unique quality exhibited by a few human beings. This is one of those many qualities in a human being that made him very different from other animals, made him better than other animals, even better enough to rule them.

Most people may use fancy words like 'adaptability', 'understanding', 'adjusting', and the best one 'learning', to describe this very simple human quality, but in the end is it not just simply accepting.

Can you learn anything that you can not accept?

Can you adapt to anything that you can not accept?

Can you understand anything that you can not accept?

How can anyone adjust to something that he can't even accept?

During his childhood, when June was still in middle school, being a simple skinny child can become quite a difficult thing, especially when your simplicity can attract the attention of school bullies.

After getting bullied for about a month and a half, one day, one of the bullies had thoughts about being a bit creative with June.

So, in order to fulfill his new creativity, this gang of the middle school bullies locked him in the physics lab which was situated in the senior wing of their school.

On that day, the senior classes were having a holiday so the senior building was almost empty. The janitor had already done the cleaning in the morning so the senior building was totally empty by the time of lunch.

During the lunch they locked June in the physics lab and left for the canteen. By the time of dispersal, when everyone was leaving the school and going towards their homes, the bullies forgot about the whole matter regarding June, because it was like a normal everyday routine for them to bully him in the lunch and forgetting about it by the time the school ended.

So, they left him in the physics lab.

June used to walk from school to home every day, because the distance between his school and home was not that much.

By the evening his parents realized that June had not come home, they thought 'maybe he went straight to the playground to play with his friends'.

As the night time came they became a bit afraid because the winters were going on and the temperature was soon going to fall below ten degree Celsius, so they went to look for him.

They spent the whole night looking for him, they called the police, the school authorities and his friends as well. They tried their best but unluckily they couldn't find June at all.

It was the next day in the morning, when janitor opened the door of Physics Lab, they finally found him.

The Janitor who opened the door saw a child of age around twelve years sleeping on the cold floor at the corner of the physics lab.

But what janitor saw next, he could never forget in his life.