Children of Land

Looking at these silver eyed green snakes that were moving very similar to the ripples in that half filled transparent glass, June was reminded of the beautifully moving seven colored image which was coincidently created by him on that night.

Standing in front of those dozens of green reptiles, who were showing such peculiar behavior, June tried to remember what he knew about snakes.

Snakes are a very unique species of cold blooded animals found in almost every habitable area on the planet. They smell with the help of their tongue. Many of their kind produce venom in their bodies that can be considered dangerous to the level of a very high lethality.

But now looking at these oddly cute green snakes dancing together in front of him, June was actually laughing in his mind.

"These idiots! Snakes are supposed to be deaf, then on which music are you moving your bodies on?" he laughed in his mind.

June waited for a minute while looking at those silver eyed snakes then surprisingly a tiny snakelet crawled out from right in middle of the group. This tiny snakelet moved closer to June allowing him to get a closer look at its body.

This snakelet that was not any longer than fifteen centimeters slowly crawled towards June. He was actually surprised by the behavior of this brave little snake.

As it came closer to his foot, June bent a little and put his open palm on the ground, right in front of that snakelet.

To his amazement, the snakelet slowly crawled on his palm and comfortably sat there by coiling its little body. June looked at this little snake closely and he saw that its eyes shone in a slightly brighter shade of silver.

Actually no, the eyes of this snakelet were platinum in color, this was a platinum eyed green snakelet. Although the difference was very minute June still noticed it.

Snakes are a very unique species of animals whose mentions are extensively found in various mythologies all around the world.

One of them is that a long time ago when the oceans covered the whole surface of earth, there was no land to be seen. After a long time when the first piece of land appeared on earth, there were no living animals that were born on it.

There was just a little amount of vegetation that was present on land, nut no land animals were there. So, looking at this unoccupied safe land, some of fishes in order to escape from the predators in the sea sacrificed their fins and tails to move towards land so that they can save their lives and the lives of their whole species.

They crawled and crawled on the land, then back to the sea to eat when predators were gone, then again back on the land and then to the sea for a few generations, until their bodies adapted to the air and they could finally breath on the land.

They became the first 'children of land'.

They lost their fins and tails but gained the love of land. Their whole body became very sensitive to the vibrations of earth. They could hear the whispers of earth.

So, instead of developing ears, their whole body became their ears. There is no animal in the whole animal kingdom that is more sensitive to the vibrations than the snakes.

Even the scientists were completely amazed by this quality of snakes, especially their sensitivity to the earthquakes.

Looking at this platinum eyed green snake coiled comfortably in his palm June was not bothered at all, instead his mind was currently more focused on the red fruit hanging on the tree that was just ten meters in front of him.

He could not help it since there was a constant reminder of headache right on his forehead that was slowly becoming very difficult to ignore with every passing moment.

So, June slowly started moving in the direction of the alluring red fruits with the platinum eyed snakelet comfortably sitting on his palm.

As June moved closer, the silver eyed snakes parted ways to give him space to move towards the tree.

Upon reaching the tree trunk, June slowly put the platinum eyed snakelet on the leaf of the tree and started climbing towards the red fruits.

After a few meters of climbing, June finally had the fruit in his hand. He looked at it closely but could not remember seeing this kind of fruit before in his life. It was looking extremely delicious, and its size was a little bigger than the size of his fists, other than that June did not find anything suspicious. There was a total of around fifteen fruits that he could point out on this tree. It was a big tree with a normal height of around ten meters but the spread was very large, similar to a banyan tree.

June did not climb too high, but instead took the three fruits that were closest to him and came back to the land. He sat down with his back against the tree ignoring those stupid looking green snakes that were still staring at him and started to eat those delicious looking fruits without a care in this world.