Shadow Leaf Serpent

After that June experimented with this new vision for a few more minutes. While experimenting, he saw little Tinum with his "SIGHT" vision and he was lying relaxed on his left shoulder, but when June looked at him, Tinum who seemed to be resting calmly surprisingly raised his tiny head as if he could notice something or someone looking at him and turned his platinum eyes towards him.

Then June opened his eyes and turned to look at the little platinum eyed green snake and smiled.

"You are one special little fellow aren't you" June whispered to Tinum while smiling.

There were two important things that June noticed while experimenting with this new "SIGHT" vision that came from the Quantum Dot.

First one that he confirmed was that his "SIGHT" vision that came from Quantum Dot was exactly five times better than his normal eye eyesight, even after considering the improvement of ten percent in his normal eyesight.

The second one was that during the time his "SIGHT" vision was activated, June could not feel any of the other four senses at all. It was kind of a restriction. He could not hear anything, smell anything, could not feel any taste or touch of any kind. It was like all his other senses other than his "SIGHT" were totally gone. It felt like he had lost the whole sense and feeling from his body.

Although he could move his body, but he could not feel anything while moving it.

From this June could guess a little about the functioning of the Quantum Dot and the Zeroth Sense.

Quantum Dot had somehow integrated itself into to the nervous system of the June's body, and was working in a symbiotic relationship with his brain, complimenting it, enhancing it.

Whereas Zeroth Sense was like a program stored in the Quantum Dot that could manipulate the available five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, directly from inside the June's body.

When using the "SIGHT" function in the Zeroth Sense program, Quantum Dot would manipulate and stop the working of all the other senses and focus all of the energy of other four senses only on the "SIGHT". Hence increasing it by exactly five times.

After all, the main function of Quantum Dot was still converting mass into energy, so manipulating electrical signals which were in the form of energy coming from the sensory organs was pretty simple for Quantum Dot.

This was a very important discovery for June because he understood that this "SIGHT" was just one of his five senses.

There were also other four senses of "HEARING", "SMELL", "TASTE", and "TOUCH" present in the Zeroth Sense, which could possibly show the similar exceptional results.

Once again June went to the sensory status window in the Quantum Dot, but this time he focused on the "HEARING" option available amongst his five senses, just below the "SIGHT".

The second he focused on the "HEARING", suddenly everything blacked out in June's vision.

June realized that he could not feel anything other than the voices that had suddenly amplified in his head by exactly five times.

When his "HEARING" was activated June heard some voices coming from just outside the wooden hut in which he was resting.

"Looks like the Hason has already told them about me"

June had noticed that these people outside were talking in a very low pitch, almost like a whisper. He guessed that the village head elder must have told them about him knowing their language.

He could hear quite a few whispers, from which one of them he recognized was the voice of the head elder Hason Soma. It looked like he was trying to explain what he understood about the situation regarding June.

June had already comprehended the language while listening and talking with the head elder for an hour, so he could easily figure out what they were talking about.

"I still don't believe that he is still alive"

"Yes, I saw him eat that snake fruit with my own eyes"

"No, it must be some other red fruit that looked similar to the snake fruit"

"Then how can you explain the leaf serpent infant that just won't leave his body alone, do you even know how difficult it was for Maka to carry him here from the waterfall with that snake clinging to its body."

"That is not a leaf serpent infant but actually a Shadow Leaf Serpent infant"

This single sentence which came from the mouth of the head elder was enough to stop the others from speaking any further. They remained quiet for some time.