Precautious Planning

June said these three lines slowly but everyone who was standing in front of him could clearly hear and understand each and every word that came out of his mouth. June had kept his way of speaking completely formal but calm and relaxed at the same time.

There was a little amazement that surfaced on the faces of the five elders but it quickly disappeared. Whereas Maka Soma had nodded his head by a centimeter, almost like a reflex but it could not escape June's notice.

Whereas the reaction on the faces of the daughters of the village head elder was more openly visible. The elder daughter Nisa Soma smiled maturely while nodding her head, approval clearly visible on her face and the younger daughter Misa Soma had blushed the second June looked at her and had already turned around without looking at him as if she had remembered the moment when June had fainted naked under the waterfall.

As for the other people who were standing behind this front group started whispering in each other's ears.

"My name is June Rowe and I am a traveler from far away and a stranger to these lands, and this is my little friend Tinum I met on the way" June said while looking at the left shoulder towards the Shadow Leaf Serpent infant.

After this sentence was spoken, almost every one's eyes instantly focused on the little Tinum who was coiled comfortably on his left shoulder without any care in the world.

Just as June had expected, the reactions started coming from the crowd the instant their eyes fell on little Tinum. Even the village leader Maka Soma was a little flustered while looking at the little Tinum.

Then looking back at the crowd, he said with a little smile "I do not wish to be a burden of any kind to Soma villagers by exploiting your hospitality in any possible way, so after getting the directions around these mountains I will be taking my leave."

After completing his formal introduction to the people of Soma village, June quietly went back inside the wooden hut in which he was resting. Then June went and sat on the wooden bed and closed his eyes and opened his "HEARING" again, just in case they had any plans.

Although June was very comfortable around the villagers, but there was one thing that he could not ignore, that was his weakness. It is not a good feeling to put your life in the hands of someone else, especially when you have no idea about the place that you are actually in.

June knew that there would always be some resistance to a stranger with unknown origins when he enters into a human society. It happens everywhere all the time and is like a social rule of a society.

June said those words in order to reduce any kind of problems that could arrive with him entering into their society that was the Soma village.

This was the first human settlement in between the hills that June had found ever since he arrived in these complete unknown lands. So, the first thing that June had to do was create an impression as better as possible in the minds of the people of this village, in order to gain their trust.

As far as June had noticed, the behavior of these people seems stable and the best thing was that he actually had nothing to lose, but instead he needed the information from these people and not to say he actually owed these people for saving him from drowning and also providing him with clothes.

Looking at all the factors, first thing that June had to do by all means necessary was to understand the scope and working of the Quantum Dot and in order to do it properly he would need a place to settle down first. Looking at these people June decided that until he became stable enough by himself, he would have to settle around this human settlement, because it was the fastest way for him to get a more clear idea about the place that he was currently in.

He had entered Soma village through an embarrassing accident, but since he is already here and these people seem good so far, June had decided to settle near the Soma village until he decided his next course of action.

Now the only problem was gaining the trust of these people, and for that he had to provide them with something that they desperately needed, but he had no idea about the situation of this Soma Village. So, what he needed to do right now was to simply collect more information about this Soma village.