"But how exactly did this change happen and why now?"

"Why did all of these numbers started to pop up within my sense of 'TASTE' only after I took the second bite, and why not before that, when I had taken my first bite from this poisonous red fruit?"

This discovery had truly shocked the June to his core.

This was actually a very simple kind of 'TASTE INDICATOR', and as its name suggested, its function was not at all difficult for June to understand, but right now his main concern was not that.

When he saw those three numbers that had popped up before within the June's vision after he took the second bite of the poisonous red fruit while his sense of "TASTE" was activated, which were [ -88 ], [ -24 ] and [ -94 ] respectively, with the help of these three numbers June could easily comprehend the working of this 'TASTE INDICATOR' which was present within the "TASTE" sense.

First thing that he found out was that the number is actually a ratio out of hundred that directly represents that how much percentage of the food will be absorbed by his body and how much will be excreted out.

For example, in the first case when he ate both the outer skin and the juicy inner white part of the red fruit, the number showed eighty eight percent. Which means that the eighty eight percent of that bite that he took from the red fruit will be absorbed by his body whereas only the twelve percent of it will be left in the form of excretory waste which will be expelled from his body.

In the second case, the blue number in the 'TASTE INDICATOR' showed exactly twenty four percent, which was much less than the first case, because in this portion of his bite, June had only eaten the peel or the outer skin of the fruit, which is mainly roughage.

Roughage is actually an indigestible material which is present in the foods like vegetables and fruits, that only helps in cleaning the stomach by pushing the rest of the food down the digestive system passage, helping in comfortable excretion of the solid waste and since it does not provide our body with any kind of energy so our body does not consume it and thus it is expelled.

Therefore, in the second case, only twenty four percent of the portion was to be digested and the rest of the seventy six percent will become roughage that will be excreted.

Whereas in the third case, he only took a bite of the juicy inner white portion of the poisonous red fruit without consuming any outer skin, hence there was almost no roughage in this bite, making almost ninety four percent of the portion of this bite consumable or digestible by June's body and only six percent of it would be going to waste.

And finally let us not forget about the lethal nature of this poisonous red fruit, which June could notice, was shown by the negative signs which were present just before all the three numeric digits.

Normally the absorption rate of any given food will vary from ten percent to ninety percent, depending upon the type of food that is eaten and also the physical and mental condition of the body which is responsible for digesting the food.

Normally the fruits like apples contain large amount of fibers, which usually pass through the digestive passage undigested, but still their absorption rate is approximately around seventy percent or more.

But this poisonous red fruit that June ate, had much more absorption percentage than a normal fruit, which the 'TASTE INDICATOR' in his sense of "TASTE" had shown to be around eighty four percent considering the roughage as well.

From this June could also understand that why this fruit is much more lethal, because the eighty four percent of the poisonous content inside this fruit is capable of directly being absorbed by his body's digestive system directly into his blood stream.

All these various factors and the basic working of this 'TASTE INDICATOR' provided by his sense of "TASTE", it only took a few moments of time for the June to completely comprehend it, but this was not why he was so surprised, but instead the only thing that he could not understand was that why it only took him a second bite of this poisonous red fruit for this blue number in this so called 'TASTE INDICATOR' to pop up in front of his vision.