A Touching Development

After finding a suitable pond, June took off his outer clothes and other belongings and kept them by the shore.

Then he took the little Tinum who was coiled on his left shoulder, on his palms and slowly put him down on the shore along with his belongings. June knew that the Tinum was not at all interested in any of these things that he had collected so far in his journey throughout the forest.

"Make sure that you don't lose your way like the last time in the waterfall", June said while teasing the little Tinum while watching him crawl into the grass by the side of the shore.

Then after finding a suitable spot where the water was a little steadier and calmer, he slowly walked into that pond till the water came up to the height of his chest.

Then he closed his eyes and opened the Quantum Dot and took another look at his SENSORY STATUS WINDOW in front of his closed eye vision.



SIGHT: 0.12


SMELL: 0.21

TASTE: 0.57

TOUCH: 0.13


June noticed that during those three hours that he had spent in the jungle looking for the strong and unique smelling plants, his sense of "SMELL" and the sense of "TASTE" had risen by a small margin.

"Now let's move on to the next part", he thought in his mind.

Then he focused on the sense of "TOUCH" from his 'SENSORY STATUS WINDOW', and slowly everything became quiet as the blue colored characters from the status window slowly faded until his vision was completely dark, and all of his mind was completely focused on the feeling that he was getting from his whole body.

What is touch?

It is very complicated to properly define this sense of 'Touch' when the case of a human body is considered, because it can't be helped that it is just that advanced. So, in order to simplify the understanding of this concept of 'touch', let us take the example of a simple computer system first.

Now as we already know, the input devices are those parts of a computer system that are very similar to the sensory organs within the human body, but can you guess which input device can actually be related the most to the sense of 'touch' that is present in our body?

'It is the keyboard.'

There is only one use of the keyboard, and that is to provide the input data into your computer system by 'touching' or pressing its keys. There is practically no other use for the key-board than to be 'touched' by the user.

Although mouse can also be considered a 'touch' input device, but not as much as the keyboard.

It all started with the television systems with their remote controls as their keyboards.

Now, in a television system the remote can be considered its sense of 'touch'. In the beginning the TV remote was much smaller in size than the television itself.

Then came the desktop computer systems, where the keyboard was bigger and in size and its function became much more complex than the television remote which was primarily just five buttons, two for changing 'channels', two for changing 'volume', and one for the 'power on'.

Now let's make it a bit more advanced.

In the case of a laptop computer system, both the keyboard and the touch pad, which serves the same function as the mouse, are integrated very close to each other, making it a bit more advanced version of the sense of 'touch' than the desktop computer system.

Then next comes the oldest but simplest of the mobile phones with only the screen and a keypad, where the keypad is either the same size, or bigger than the whole mobile screen.

And then finally the touch screen was invented, which followed its uses that were seen in the mobile phones and laptops systems, desktop monitors and now a days even in the televisions, although they serve no important purpose, but still they are there in the smart TVs.

With the help of this technology the sense of 'touch' has completely been integrated with the whole 'visible front body' of the devices.

Especially the next generation smart phones, which are the most influential machine invention that took place in this new millennium, without which most of us can not even imagine their life. In a latest smart phone, more than fifty percent of the outer body is sensitive to the sense 'touch'.

Now let us talk about the most advance machine on this planet that we know of, the machine known as the human body.