A Fishy Experiment

He thought that, maybe this had something to do with the abnormally high digestive percentage of the poisonous red fruit.

While eating those poisonous red fruits, he closed his eyes and focused on the blue dot, then took a look at his SENSORY STATUS WINDOW.



SIGHT: 0.12


SMELL: 0.21

TASTE: 0.59

TOUCH: 0.51


Just as he had suspected his sense of 'touch' had increased tremendously, directly by thirty eight percent, whereas his sense of 'taste' had also increased by two percent.

"looks like this is the right way to increase my senses, knowledge really is the power"

"Ok now, time to get back to work, I hope that the little Tinum is fine"

After that he opened his eyes and the SENSORY STATUS WINDOW disappeared from his vision, and he took a look around himself.

He could not see the little Tinum anywhere around him, but that was also fine because the June understood that even snakes had their own needs like filling their stomach and them emptying it, so the little Tinum can not always stick around him.

But he didn't exactly know what Tinum liked to eat, because so far, the little Tinum had refused everything that June had tried to give him to eat. So, June thought that it was better to let the little Shadow Leaf Serpent infant decide that for himself.

Then without wasting any more of his time, June straight away went towards the shallow spot in the pond water where there were a few fishes swimming around.

As he slowly walked near that spot while creating the minimum disturbance inside the water, and upon reaching there he stood still, then he closed his eyes and using the Quantum Dot, he activated his amplified sense of "SIGHT" and started to carefully look around for the fishes near him inside the pond.

June had a reason for doing this, because after watching the reactions of those silver eyed green snakes on that tree with the poisonous red fruit, June understood that when the Quantum Dot is activated, some animals who were a little sensitive to the vibrations in their surroundings will show some kind of changes in their normal behavior, and inside the still water it is actually much easier to detect any kind of vibration than it is in the air.

So, as far as the June's thinking went, these fishes in this pond could become a very good test subject for him to experiment on.

Also, as far as he was concerned, even though June had never done any kind of fishing, or read anything about it before in his life, for his plans to work successfully, he had to depend on the results of this experiment.

While June was looking around the pond for the fishes, he found a small fish which looked a little grey in color with length of around half a foot.

This grey fish was swimming around six to seven meters away from the location where he was currently standing, but the location of this grey fish happened to be right behind him and he could not turn his body because that might create some kind of disturbance in the water which could lead to that grey fish detecting June and then move even further away from him.

June did not want to lose that grey fish so he did not turn his body and instead he kept the focus of his amplified sense of "SIGHT" right on that grey fish.

As soon as June focused on that fish with the activated vision of his sense of "SIGHT", the grey fish suddenly stopped its movement and changed the direction of its body to look towards the direction of the June's back, and then with a little curiosity in its eyes, it slowly started to swim in the direction of June.

When the fish came closer to June, around the distance of one meter behind his back, without moving a muscle or opening his eyes, June switched off his sense of sight and activated his sense of "TOUCH".

For a second the fish stopped moving closer to him, but after a moment of stillness, it started moving closer to June again.

Inside June's mind, his whole vision was completely dark, but throughout the portion of his body that was immersed inside the water, he could easily sense the tiny ripples that were created by the movement of that grey fish which was swimming in the water just around a foot or two behind his back.