A Mystery of Three Colors

There would be heat, there would be sound, there would be electricity, and every other possible form of energy that is detectable by our physical body, but not 'light'.

So according to this analogy, 'Light' is the name of just another perception of this universe that is indirectly created by our eyes with the help of our brain.

Just like in the case of a computer. A normal computer system is capable of creating a picture from the data that has fed into it in the form of some type of codes of numbers and letters.

Using those codes of the letters and numbers which also included some other types of symbols, even the most outdated of the computer systems is capable of creating a beautiful picture that could be very easily shown on its screen.

To understand this whole process in a much simpler way, let us take the example of a simple mobile phone, since that is also a type of miniature computer system.

So, if someone asks that what could be considered as the 'eyes' of your mobile phone?

Obviously, that would be the camera which is present on the back or the front of your mobile phone, but the real question is that how exactly does this small hole for the 'light' able to capture such an amazing view of this world?

This question might look complicated but in fact it is actually very simple.

First step is that, just like our two eyes, the camera of a mobile phone also takes in all of the 'light' that falls into it.

And the second thing that it does is that it breaks that 'fallen light' down into separate colors depending upon the type of the color category of 'light' falls into it.

We all know that the first main and original color of the light should be 'White', but what the science told us was that this single white color could be divided into the seven different colors that we are all able to see within a rainbow, when the sun comes out of the clouds after a heavy shower of rain.

These seven colors, as we all very well know, are the violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. But the thing is that, what most people do not know about these seven colors is that actually these are not seven colors but actually three. For example

The 'Orange' color is actually the combination of the red and yellow color.

The 'Green' color is actually the combination of the blue and yellow color.

Whereas the 'Indigo' color is actually the combination of the violet and the blue color.

So, the camera only needs to send the perfect amount of 'three' different colors instead of 'seven' directly into the brain of your mobile phone, that would be the motherboard or the processing chip of your cell phone.

And then the brain of the computer system that is constantly working within your mobile phone will convert it again into the full fledge picture that would be in turn shown on the screen.

But if you are talking about the quality of the picture shown on the screen of the mobile phone, then that would simply depend upon the quality of your mobile phone camera and also on the screen too.

Now this is just the beginning.

What would happen if instead of 'three' types of colors, your mobile phone camera would just send just a single type of color to its processor brain?

Then no matter how high the quality of your mobile phone is, the picture would still be just a black and white image without any type of colors. Can you guess what that single color is that entered the camera just now?

It is 'white'.

From this it can be considered that it requires a minimum of one color to form a defined picture, and as the details in the picture rise, this single color is separated into three different colors and then those three different colors would further divide themselves into seven colors of the 'vibgyor' and then the cycle goes on until the number of colors become infinite and once again turn into the first beginning color from which this whole cycle had started, the white color.

But that is just another one of the crazy speculations of the human brain after all who knows which number comes after infinity. It could be zero or it could be one or both.

But the real question is not that what would be the final color, instead the real question is that what is the real meaning behind the each and every color that comes out from this 'white' color?