Hyper Drive

By the corner of the waterfall, he had noticed a small gap, and as the June was slowly moving even closer to the edge of this waterfall, he noticed that just at the edge of the waterfall there was a little gap present which led directly into the space between the waterfall and the wall of rocks behind it. Basically, this small gap was present directly on the back side of the water curtain.

This space was not more than two meters in width and it was also not very easily noticeable from the outside.

After looking around for a moment June didn't look any further and quietly sat down within this gap. There were still a few droplets of water that were colliding with his body but he didn't mind.

When he sat down within that narrow space, he could feel that this was an isolated place and there was no other sound that could be heard within that place other than the sound of the falling water.

As he sat down within that isolated space present behind the waterfall, June did not activate any of his amplified senses or any other function of the Quantum Dot, instead he just sat down quietly while closing his eyes.

He found a unique type of peace within his heart when he heard the sound of the falling water creating a unique rhythm of with the quietness of that small space.

At this current moment there was actually nothing specific that was going on within the June's mind.

In order to be more specific, June was not very keen on giving any kind of purpose or direction to his thoughts at the moment.

The feeling that he experienced was like he was relaxing on the passenger seat on his own journey of the moment while the car or rather his sense was driving by itself on the autopilot.

And with time it felt as if the speed of the car was slowly increasing, but the most amazing thing was that even after travelling for some distance the speed of the car was still not slowing down but rather it kept on increasing until that normal car had turned directly into a sports car and then, as its speed increased even further, it became a hyper car with the maximum speed attainable on the ground.

Then his view slowly started turning into a blur, and as soon as the view started to fade within his mind, instead of vanishing, his current point of view which was travelling with the speed of a hyper car slowly started to take off and directly rise up from the ground.

It felt like he was flying in the air, and when he looked down, he was amazed to see that this whole time he had actually been travelling on his own memory line, but this time his speed had been much faster to notice the side views.

And just like climbing the stairs that were made up on the air, his view was slowly rising from the land directly towards the sky.

And what happens when the height of your point of view rises above the level of the rest of the world?

Your view starts to expands and at some point of time, you would be able to notice the whole world from that height.

Similarly, as the June's view took off from his memory lane, the whole picture started to appear much more clearly within the June's vision, and within this picture, June could see most of his memory line upon which the whole of the events that had taken place along with most of his life experience, appeared one after the another and slowly arranged themselves into the portrait of a beautiful scenery that went along with the road of this long memory line.

But the thing was that this memory line was not at all looking like a straight line, instead, it looked like a river that was flowing with the path of many beautifully round curves, and as the June's point of view started to move further high in the altitude, his memory line started to look like the shape of a zig zag river whose point of origin lied on some kind of the line of horizon.

From his high altitude position, just out of the curiosity, June tried to focus his inner view in order to take a look at the beginning of this memory line of his which lied on that line of horizon.

But it was a little confusing for him because in reality he was actually very surprised to find that he was unable to find the exact point of the beginning of his memory line which lied somewhere on that line of horizon.