
I finally bid farewell to junior brother in the infirmary. He still had to stay for a couple more days to ensure that the poison was truly out of his system.

Once I got out of the building, I f*cking sprinted to my cabin.


I slammed the door open and then jumped from the doorway onto my second lover.

She was the softes- eh?

I heard a very distinct click sound coming from the bottom of the bed and, when I looked down to check, a metal box swung out from the bottom of the bed.

What the f*ck?

I reached for the box... and then overshot it and nicked my finger onto its sharp edge. "F*ck!" As I was craddling my poor little thumb, I missed the drop of blood that oh-so-coincidentally hit the top of the metal box.

And then the box exploded.

Metal shrapnel went everywhere, and I flew from my position on my bed to a dog-eating-sh*t pose on the other side of the room. Since my door was still open, bits and pieces of the metal flew out of the doorway.

"F*cking shit!" I heard someone yell. Sticking my head out of the doorway, I noticed junior brother Eord looking at the metal that was sticking out of his arm.

I closed the door.

What? Eord was f*cking ripped. Plus, he had anger issues. I like my body the way it is, okay? Besides, I have a bigger di- okay. I'm manly. Yes.

Taking a deep breath, I carefully walked back to my now destroyed bed. In its remains was... a book. A godd*mn book. But it wasn't just any old book, but a godd*mn...


Wtf? Who the hell guards their diary with EXPLOSIVES?!?!?

I sighed and picked up the book. It had a simple design- it was a deep royal blue color and had gold edges. There was no inscription on the sides nor the back. It only had a simple 'Diary' written on the front.

I opened the first page and ohoho, it was written by the past Jin Yahui, the one that was the original owner of this body. What kind of man writes in a diary?

Its first words were...


110 AD (After Demons- Jin Yahui = 6-years old)

I want to be strong.


Hoho, buddy. You can't beat me in my wanting to be strong. Nope. Nuh-uh. I looked back and continued to read.


Mom was angry at me again. She caught me trying to play with the other children. She told me that since I was the heir to our family, I shouldn't affiliate myself with the common rabble. She wanted me to cultivate so that I could become strong and help lift the family up with my talent.

I want to be strong, so that I can play with them.


112 AD

I've finally managed to become strong, a prodigy. Mother was happy with me for the first time since... a long time.

I went up to the other children. Finally, finally I could play with them.

But they pushed me away.

They didn't want to be in my 'exalted presence'. Ha. I bitterly smiled at them. Their eyes were filled with hostile condemnation.

I thought I was supposed to be popular, but all they see is my potential.


112 AD, later (8-years old)

I've become stronger.

Although not strong enough.

One of the younger children threw a mud ball at me. Although I dodged, it hurt my pride that I could not stop it through sheer force. Sighing, I glanced at one of the red balls that the young children played with.

I picked it up and threw it with all of my strength to the sky... and hit a passing cultivator.

Panicked, I quickly watched as the cultivator fell off from his sword and onto our courtyard. I rushed to him, not knowing whether I needed to bow, help him up, or swear that it wasn't my fault.

The old man took one took at me before he said, "Perfect!"

He then proceeded to kidnap me.


113 AD

I've been Master's disciple for a year already, and I learned that I was truly gifted- Mother and Father knew that I had a high purity and rarity, but they did not have the resources to be 100% sure.

Master said I had 99% purity and void spirit veins.

The cultivation that I did before was not the best option for me, so Master crippled my meridians and cleansed out my diantan.

I've had to start from scratch.


113 AD, later

I've been bullied by the other disciples for being 'weak'. Before, it used to be my status and now it is my strength.

Master went into closed-door cultivation and had not left since three months ago.

I will deal with this myself.

I need to grow stronger.


114 AD

I've learned how to cultivate.

It was something that I could have never guessed.

Void spirit veins... 'void' is something that is entirely empty. It does not exist. It is nothingness. Therefore, it can be anything.


119 AD (16-years old)

There's a traitor.


120 AD

I've noticed some senior and junior brothers acting odd lately. I've confronted one of them, and he was not the same... I suspect that he's a demon.


120 AD

There's something wrong. The traitor has been-


There was nothing else after that. The pages were burned. When I touched the burned pages, the same feeling of wrongness that I felt with the old Jin Yahui sword swept through me.

I took my hands away as fast as I could before I threw the book away.

The book was hidden underneath the old Jin Yahui's bed. How could it be burned?

And if he recognized the traitor... why wasn't he killed?

Chills went up and down my spine. Maybe he was killed, but the traitor thought that I lost my memories?

I shook my head. Picking up the book, I reread some of the pages that had the relationship between junior brother and the old Jin Yahui.

He was powerful.

How the hell could he be killed? It must be someone powerful...

D*mn it, system.

At least I won't have to hear it all the time like-