" I'm not a Witch."

It was a starry night sky right after Dispersion Star had found out the location of the red star, the night sky dimmed a pitch black color giving highlight to the pitch black hole blowing off a comet falling not too far away. Every people watched this marvelous view with their jaws dropped amused on the display some are terrified dropping whatever they have on their hands. Dispersion star smiled at the people as series of breaking and dropping sounds sounded as they all watched the scene. However, just as he was waiting for the comet to land thinking that it may be a good subject to study of about the incident. the comet dissipated in a split second as soon as it reached the atmosphere as if swallowed in an empty space just as how the sky had just "vomit" the comet out. Everyone was puzzled as to where did the "shooting star" go they expected it alike from the tales to land on and seen some to actually disappear after it reaches the ground but never an encounter like this. Just as Dispersion Star was thinking of the "whys", people came to look at the hexagonal building he was in for answers a well. He was stumped he didn't know what to say and anything spoken wrong can spell disaster and panic in the Kingdom of Graycastle. Thus he could only write a letter forward to His Majesty Ronald that he explained it as the "heavens sending help to the people in recognition to the new king". The nobles and some smarter others may not believe it but the common people will, as he heard that the His Majesty is about to go to war against the church. He strongly believed that Ronald had a chance in winning against the church.

The messenger carrier flew from him farther and farther away disappearing in to the night sky.


It was the same sky that Ronald was looking at never in this life even in his previous life had he seen something beautiful like this he was still musing over the view he had seen in which he would only see from phones in his previous life until he hear a hiss.

"What's wrong?" He turned his head sideways with a slight frown on his face starring into the blank space behind him.

The space rippled and Nightingale came from the Mist walking out like a deity in white assassin themed clothes.

"I don't feel good about that power." She spoke almost whispering as she turned her head from the window to Roland, she added,

"It's a strong power. It may be as beautiful as what you see but it doesn't seem too good looking to us." Never did he saw Nightingale made an expression like this before he was curious as to what kind of power that comet was made of."What does it looked like?" She faced the french windows again looking at the night sky, "I don't know I have never seen a color like this before, it's like a pulsating energy and its pressure weighing down on me. The witches probably felt this too." Roland wanted to ask if it was stronger than the Sigil of God's Will or having the same concentration as the God's Stone but he figured it might only bother the latter into sleepless night and therefore stopped his thoughts and smiled slightly "Whatever it is we'll see if it is an ally or an enemy we're facing. I'll send Lightning and Maggie to observe tomorrow." "Rest assure Your Highness, nothing will happen to you for as long as I live." And with that statement she disappeared back into the Mist.


Freckles was a fisherman he wanted to take a better job like on of the laborers but the thing is he just arrived at Neverwinter, he didn't know how to read nor write and the jobs he's mostly good at are filled so he's stuck at waiting for another job opening while waiting for a few fetches at sea. He was with Ink a fisherman like him he was more of a senior to Freckles even at a younger age when it come to fishing. Just as he is immersed in his thoughts, his hands slipped from the net and the fishing net along with their haul went splashing into the waters.

"Just what the hell are ya doin'! The week is about to end! We'll never gonna reach the quota if you keep daydreamin' like that!" Ink scolded Freckles as he desperately tried to reach the other side of the net but with his short arms he can't reach far enough and the whole catch ended back to the sea.

"I'm sorry I'll get it!" Freckles mentally face slammed himself on the fishing boat but no matter how he wanted it he have to take whats remaining of the haul than nothing at all. He can;t blame Ink or get angry at him after all it was his fault besides, the war against the church is about to come and so His Highness Ronald needed as much help and resources as he needs he knows that at least.

Splash! And he swam deep gathering all the sides of the net but just as he was about to get his hands on the net, he caught a glimpse of a shining coffin-like metal which resembled more of a luggage for its boxy appearance which seemed as though made in haste.

Its a metal with the same black luster as one of the King's cannons and he thought that it might reach a good price if he attempted to sell it to His Majesty or perhaps the merchants which he could raise the price twofold or even tenfold than its original price. It might even reach more than 20 gold royals definitely more than enough to buy a house in Neverwinter.

With gleaming eyes he reached for the metal box and hauled it of the sea.


The Witch Union's members usually get up and ate on their own but never all the same time most of which having the same eye bags as they sat at the table and looked at each other worriedly.

Normally after having encounter with the Sigil of God's Will, they didn't worried much even knowing of its astounding power, but that feeling never put them to such an extent like how that comet made them feel. It felt as though it was capable of wiping the whole continent clean! But even if it was such a fearsome power, it's not the time to worry over things they don't have control over. Wendy at least know this much and so all she could do was to calm the Witch union members at least for His Highness Ronald.