"I'm Not A Witch" (3)

Those 6 letters kept ringing in Roland's head.


If I am able to be transmigrated into a different world then why can't others too?

Roland felt like he was a fool for a second, he then looked up to the lady in front of him and noticed the smirk on her lips, eyes squinted like a fox's eyes that tell millions of stories, millions of cycles and millions of deaths.

In a seductive tone she said via telepathy, "I knew it, but from my view of understanding then this must be your first transmigration is it?"

Roland may feel baffled by the sudden news but he can quickly recover. He had met witches with powers not existing in his previous world, demonic beasts, demons and such all not existing from the previous world. Thus, what could be more shocking?

"Yes, " He replied calmly, there's nothing he could deny now what use woulditbe to lie st this point. He rather have an ally than an enemy like this lady from his previous world it might sound stupid but he really could help a little bit of nostalgia from time to time. It might sound to him that he is answering Clea's question via telepathy but it actually sound to others that he was answering Clea's question about the "friend" she knows about.

"I see." She then pulled her hand back from the paper on Roland's desk and smiled simply back to him. From what she had heard from the old man's little "tour guiding" and Wendy's little explanation, she learned a thing or two about this place.

" So Your Majesty," it might be simple in others ears but her words contained some weight, "I'll go straight to the point I am in need if proper lodging and proper food in this era and in turn I'll help you defeat the church." At this point Roland could feel Nightingal boiling in anger.


His Highness Roland isn't some person on the street to ask for some lodging and food. He is kind and all but at least don't abuse it! You talk like he owes you a lot as if he were your servant! Just because you know some friend of his!

Roland could only lighten out the tense atmosphere with a light laugh. With a pen and paper on his hand, he then asked Clea a few questions, those he asked just like how other members first came. But before he could ask another question regarding her powers as a witch she cut, "I'm not a Witch."


"I'm not a Witch. If I'm going to leave like I did in previously, I have to make it clear to all people who I am and what I am without secrets." She stated clearly her words rippling. If she's going to be swallowed once again like how she left the other worlds, she have to explain why she came here and who she is. So that people wouldn't be put in a state of trauma, shock, agitation or any feelings that would leave a bad impression of her.

Roland felt a bit envious of Clea. To be able to live free of secrets, without the suspicion of others is what he wanted for a split second but surely he can't just say anything to the public the things shouldn't say considering his status and all. Besides, he should at least reserve the things only he he should know as a person.

Just as Roland was done with his thoughts he saw Clea reach out something into thin air, a short whiz could be heard followed by a short breeze revealing a crystal transparent orb.

This power!

Nightingale could no longer hold it back and revealed herself immediately from the mist stepping forward her arm reaching sidewards covering Roland from any possible harm.

"Your Highness," she hissed "This is the same power from before that we all felt. Although, a bit weaker than that power its the one and the same."

"One and the same?" Roland turned to look back at Clea.

There are things he could not clearly understand regarding witches so he could only listen first before coming into conclusion.

"That's right," Clea answered "What you probably felt during my arrival is this power. However, because this body is far too weak I can only exert a portion of it so I'm still at a level where I am "defeatable". But worry not, my goal here is to leave this world through helping or guiding someone here to success so the possibility of me killing all of you is pretty much low. So in my opinion, you should be happy." Clea turned to look at Nightingale a warm smile on her face, but probably because with that orb floating about on her palm, her smile felt threatening instead.

Roland felt a bit puzzled, if that's the case why didn't she just exert power more than she should so she could immediately leave from world to world. It may sound a bit rude but that's the quickest way to do so.

Nightingale on the other hand felt more confused. "This body, worlds, guiding?" Although she had a clue she can't believe it was true.

"I transmigrated from a different world, and in order to leave to find my home world, I must guide someone to their goals. However, just like what 'you' thought," she turned to look at Roland. "I can't just kill this body in pressure of the power or I'll end up being transmigrated repeatedly in this world over and over again." Roland was shocked for a moment,

'She can read minds too? But that's overpowered!'

Now tears threaten to spill in envy, he didn't have a single gift when transmigrated in this world but this lady have tons of it.

'Tell me did you actually stole mine when I was transmigrating over?'

Roland could not help but think it was just too OP!

"I don't read minds I can only know what you meant or rough ideas what you are thinking of but not your exact thoughts." Clea added. At this point Nightingale is getting more and more confused recovering after a minute or so and getting confused once again.

Roland then snapped out of his thoughts and recorded everything regarding Clea's abilities.

"Also please add that, I can copy anyone's abilities with limited time use of five minutes," she then raised her other hand emphasizing the five numbers with her fingers. "I can only own an ability only with the consent if the original owner of the power. Copying the power for a lifetime of use." She added with an impassive face on. That's natural of course, she had explained this to the person she chose to guide everytine she had transmigrated. Sometimes she didn't to certain types of people who tend to see her as a pawn and not an ally of some sort.

In this case however, she had to since Roland will be planning everything only for the best of Kingdom of Graycastle. She knew that much at least.

Hearing what sort her ability was, Roland felt amazed knowing that he can multiply the efficiency of production in Neverwinter. So he quickly wrote the information with gleaming eyes. Nightingale though felt as if she had encountered a monster her face paled instantly after she heard it.

It was a good it thing forbthem though that she wasn't an enemy instead.

"What else?" Roland paused, and asked seemingly knowing that Clea hasn't finished explaining yet. She grimaced over the next thing she will be saying, "Unfortunately, with this body I van only use one ability. Otherwise this body will break and I don't want to experience that kind of pain once again."

Roland knew that the news seemed too good to be true so the only thing he has to know for now is what's the available ability and how he will use it more practically. So he nodded and continued to ask, "Then, what's the ability you can use for now?"

"The power of a Noblesse," she had traveled many worlds and has encountered a world with a powerful being as the Noblesse the original owner if that power with the ability to awaken powers, heal, and destroy kingdoms into a meat paste, and from what she had seen its as though it was limitless even the same power she had displayed recently was also the part of having that power.

The Noblesse seemed reluctant in giving consent at first but Clea had gone through many things and had lost many loved ones over and over again and the Noblesse knew it and knew how painful to lose someone you dearly hold in your heart.

"Noblesse?," Of course Clea's answer was inadequate so he had to say so something to urge Clea to speak.

"It has enough power to reduce even both Holy Cities to ruins and will surely bring you victory against the demons, awaken abilities and heal injuries." She answered with a proud smile in her face.

With the loss of having the production of the factories being multiplied, with these another great news in front of him he became all smiles again.

He was certain that as long as the First Army could hold against the church, he will win sooner or later.

But with Clea there will be more than 100% chance of winning!

More than that full awakening of powers would mean like having an Extraordinary on their side aside from Ashes!

It really is a total win-win situation in exchange of proper food and lodgings!

Roland couldn't help but have tons of ideas in his head how he will defeat the church.

Nightingale on the other hand felt excited and she could not stop wondering on what will her powers look like once awakened and those thoughts end up on the idea that all of it was just a portion of Clea's power. She could not help but feel frightened over the idea if she was able to utilize all of it!

Nevertheless,the one should feelfrightened was the church and not them. Having one more assurance of Roland's protection eases the worries on Nightingale's chest.

Clea rolled get eyes over the reaction of the two, she had seen many same faces and could not help but laugh over the cycle.

Shaking his head from those thoughts again, Roland continued. "If that's the case would you mind a simple demonstration?"

"A demonstration?" Clea pondered over it before making a decision after all power has a price and decided that she will give it a try once the battle against the church started.

AT: Hello its me again~ you must have noticed that its a bit shorter spanning over 1,784 word count but that's all I could write since school started and I'm being forced to sleep early so I could only write 2-3 paragraphs in one sit then for another time. I wanted to make it longer like before but I don't decided to upload than not. Who knows when I'll be uploading at this rate?