Good job, Your highness

"Finally, at home" Said Alfonso.

It has been almost 3 months since he left towards Tulip, so he felt somehow nostalgic after seeing Wasteland Valley.

"So this is Wasteland Valley, it sure is freezing here!" Said one beautiful blonde young woman behind Alfonso, it was the ex-princess of Tulip, Susana. After talking with her and Felio, Alfonso manage to convince her to stay in Wasteland Valley and be part of the teachers in the educational program he is managing.

"Just Tailor and Little Pit won't be enough after all, but with her here, it will take some load from their shoulders" Though Alfonso.

"Your highness! you are finally back!" A voice came from the entrance of Wasteland Valley, went Alfonso notice he saw Ribeiro, Deferio and the rest of the Spartans, even Taylor and Little pit were here.

"Big brother! You are finally here! I get tired of waiting for you, you owe mt histories!" Said Little Pit while grabbing Alfonso's hand.