Visiting Hygiea

In a big room, a girl with short orange girl was working with some fruits, its was quite interesting seeing her, in her hands was a green apple however, the girl wasn't eating it, she was observing it, smelling it and, after doing all these preparations, she took out a small knife and cut in five parts, she grabbed what it seems to be a roller and squeeze each part separately, she took a piece of herbs from a bag and put the apple's pulp with the herb and proceeded to squeeze it once again, she smell the new product and then combine it with some water in a small bowl. She took the juice and examined its color while she took note of every progress she did in a notebook. She took a deep gulp on the juice and waited for some time, after some minutes she made a small sigh and write in the note the word 'failure'.

"This combination is a failure as well" Though the girl while putting the bowl aside.

*Knock* *Knock*