[Hidden Title]

"Well guys, take care of yourself, I leave Wasteland Valley in your hands" Said Alfonso to everyone in front of him.

Demeter, Artemis, Deferio, Cease, Susana and the wolves were there to say goodbye to Alfonso, Antiope, Cerberus and Cat one.

"Cat one" Said Artemis.

"Master" Bowed Cat one.

"Remember your mission"

"Protect My lord at all cost, even at the cost of my own life" Said Cat one with calmness.

"Good" Said Artemis.

Alfonso could only smile helplessly at this sigh, he waved his hand and said goodbye to everyone one last time before he and the rest made their way towards the Jubila forest.


A few hours passed, and they stopped for some time to rest and eat.

"Sorry guys, I know that all of you aren't tired but, as you can see…" Said Alfonso while looking at his cane.