The troublemaker has come! Part one

"That mother of mine is a tyrant! A tyrant I said! She is the head of the Veritia family, and yet, she always comes to mess my, the Boltors, household!" Said a young woman with blond hair in a horse, she had a not so elegant outfit.

"Young lady! You mustn't say that! What will happen if people heard that the actual mother of the sons and daughters of the Boltor house are from the Veritia family!" Said a young man with black long hair, his hair was messed up and it covered his eyes, he also had some freckles and a huge backpack on his back.

"Hmph! It's not any secret that my father and Allison have a romance, my mother was unfertile, so my 'oh so kind' dad took the chance to "adopt" us, however, what a HUGE coincidence that we all resemble the famous queen of winds, please, even my 'mother' knew about it, however, she allowed it because she loved him so much… ridiculous!" Said the young girl.