The funeral(part two)

"Listen up, young man, you are here because lady Sana make a deal with our lord so you could enter, because given your status, you wouldn't even be able to enter Dragon City, I am not trying to insult you, I am just stating a fact" Said a soldier. with a silver armor to the young man besides him.

The young man was handsome with long black hair and an elegant black outfit.

"I understand that, please be assure, I won't ashamed the Boltor family's name" Said the young man.

"Good, The veritia's and the Boltor's have good relationship since, the lord of the Vertia's, Queen Alisson and Lord Karl put the greet of good over everything else, since you are part of the Veritia's we shall protect with all we have, however, don't go an cause troubles on your own, try to stay low profile as long as you can, that's also for Miss Sana's sake" Said the soldier.

"Understood" Answered Felipe.