In your own mind

"I-" The man was a little scared.

Alfonso's gaze had… something on it, however, the man couldn't back up now, not in front of all this people.

"Dear…" A woman at his side looked at him in worry, she was the man's wife, a woman of fifty something years old.

"Don't worry dear, I know what I am doing " Murmured the man.

He looked back at Alfonso and said

"Did I touch a sensitive spot? Sorry, your 'highness', but I am only saying what my eyes see, you have a cane and a eyepatch, if you aren't a crippled then what are you?" Said the man.

Once more, all the vicinity was in silence.

Waiting for Alfonso's answer.

Alfonso only smiled at the guy and stood up.

*Clanp* *Clanp*

The sound of his cane hitting the ground could be heard.

He walked towards the man.

Artemis and Demeter wanted to follow but Alfonso stopped them.

"Alfonso, despite his rudeness, he is one of my men, don't forget about it" Said Fernando.

His meaning was as clear as water.