Peaceful days gone- part one

Its been five months since the funeral.

Although some things happen, nothing major to be mention it. Alfonso keep with his promise and stayed in Wasteland Valley to arranged things, and it turned out great.

"Alfonso, the ministers buildings are almost done, the five of them will be done as you requested" Said one of the golden twins.

"Awesome, how are our paths of commerce doing?" Said Alfonso.

"The road towards Tulip town will take at least one more month, the people on Tulip are also helping, and however, between the buildings and the road, we took priority on the buildings"

"That's good, all in all, given the current number of people that we have, is pretty good" Said Alfonso.

The golden twins nodded and then moved.

"Uncle~" Little pit appeared behind the golden twin.

"Little Pit, how are things going on your side?" Asked Alfonso.


Little Pit took a huge stack of papers and put a pair of glasses.