
Alfonso looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, he wasn't sure who he was, however, given the fact that he had an elegant outfit and a butler at his side, it seems that he was an important figure here.

"Hello Mr.Actenios, is a pleasure to meet you, however, it seems that you already know about me? " Said Alfonso.

"Haha, it's quite hard if you are someone from Leitol to not have heard about the fallen prince Alfonso Lockheart, please, don't take it as an insult, to have develop that godforsaken place to this extend in just one year, it seems that the rumors about you are false" Said Griftor.

Alfonso looked at the man for some seconds, his words seemed nice and he couldn't find fault in them… but something just wasn't right, however, he couldn't pinpoint what exactly.

"I have the luck to have good and capable people by my side, if I didn't have them, I would be buried with the rest of Wasteland Valley for some time now" Said Alfonso.