Inferno City

Alfonso and everyone else returned to the inn, well, almost everyone, Dionisius escorted Rebecca back to her home, it wasn't sure if he was going to come back tonight. As for Artemis's partner, she had Io escort her back to her home and gave her twenty gold coins. Among Alfonso's followers, Artemis is the one who is the richest, but, she also is the one who spend the least, in fact, the only moment she spend some money was when she bought something for Zeti or Zeti's baby.

So, giving twenty or even forty gold coins wasn't that big of a deal, of course, for the woman, she almost burst in tears.

"Okay, we are all here, so, I have a few things to say to everyone" Said Alfonso.

Just as they get to the inn, he called everyone to his room.

"You all saw what happened, I want your opinions" Said Alfonso.

"It pretty obvious that they want to create troubles, however, the motive is a little bit odd" Said Hans.