[Hidden Title]

"Goddamnit, this took a lot of time" Said Alfonso/Chrono.

The trio was standing outside of a door with number '4' on it.

"I…I think that… we should return…" Said Clara.

"Fascinating! I always analyze the person inside this room! We must go!" Said Mengele.

"Who is behind this door?" Asked Alfonso/Chrono.

"Subject number 4" Said Mengele.

"Don't fool with you damn kid" Said Chrono with annoyance.

"I…I think that…g…god is talking about… the name" Said Clara.

"The name? why should I care about its name… however, his illness is something worth taking notes!" Said Mengele.

"Illness?" Asked Alfonso/Chrono.

"Yeah, he says that he can see the future!" Said Mengele.

"See the future?" Alfonso/Chrono was surprised.]

"Yeah, however, there is a small fascinating detail," Said Mengele.

"Oh? What is that?" Asked Alfonso.

"He always predicts misfortunes" Said Mengele.

"Misfortunates?" Asked Clara.