Fight in Hell's Asylum! -part two-

"Ha…ha" Clara gasped for air while standing out from the ground, lying there, three bodies with missing parts of them were resting.

"Let's go, fun is just about to get started~" Said Chrono/Alfonso.

The group went back leaving the bodies rooting on the site.

"Listen well, we will separate in two groups, you three will go to find a certain object, I have something else to do" Said Chrono/Alfonso.

"What do you mean by something exactly?" Asked Mengele.

"A cane… my cane" Said Chrono/Alfonso.

"A… cane?" Asked Clara.

"I feel uneasy without it, so, be a good pet and bring it to me" Said Chrono/Alfonso.

"Fascinating! The subject can't walk and yet, here he is walking like a normal person, please let me get some sample of your leg!" Said Mengele.

"…" The young white-haired man only nodded.

"Then what are you waiting for, go, go" Said Chrono/Alfonso.