
Looking at the two moons, Dionisius had a long face.

"You have to take responsibility for your actions"

Those words repeated on his head for a long time, for sure, he had been in the wrong, however, there was no punishment for him, as the one who had to assume his mistakes was Alfonso.

As a god, Dionisius has never been understood the world's responsibility, after all, his only responsibility was to watch over the Tartarus alongside his brothers and sister, but that was only a small task for him.

"It should have been better if it was me" Said Dionisius while taking another sip of his wine.

He took the jar and, after seeing that it was empty, he threw it to the ground.

"Fuck, this suck" Said Dionisius.

He took out another jar of wine.

"Is this how you paid his sacrifice, by drinking while whining?"

Suddenly, a voice interrupted him, it was Anastasia.
