Nostradamus's Record!

"[Nostradamus's record]!"

Inside of Alfonso's body, his soul power began to surge.

Alfonso's aura also began to emerge as a green aura erupted from his body.

"Alister! America!" Shouted Leonardo.

Alister and America appeared behind Leonardo and launched themselves to Alfonso!

Alfonso looked at Alister, in an instant, information began to appear on his mind.

His soul power began to catalyze on his head while his hair lifted up.

Alfonso evaded both attacks moving to the right and leg in an incredible speed!

"What the-" Alister was stunned.

He clearly remembered Alfonso's power back in Wasteland Valley, as now, Alfonso's power seemed to be different, however, he felt that it was more dangerous!

America didn't hesitate, when Alfonso evaded, she quickly launched herself to Alfonso.

Alfonso's information began to run at light speed once more while he evaded the attacks of America.