Oracles-part two-

The interaction between the gods and humans is a very special one. Gods give humanity a gift, the champions, in exchange, humans give their devotion, however, champions couldn't talk to the gods, only emperors could, however, the number of people that have become an emperor in the history of Leitol could be counted with one hand. So, the question was, how do gods manifest their wishes if they can't communicate with humanity?

The answered were the oracles. Nobody knows exactly the date, but the oracles were around Leitol even before this piece of land was named 'Leitol'.

They were a mystery even for the royal family, the oracles didn't like to middle in power affairs, but, there was no doubt that, since the beginning, they were respected by everyone. The father of Alfonso, the current emperor, would have to think it thrice before messing with an oracle.