The conference begins! -part two-

Outside of the Coliseum, a middle-aged man was looking at the place with a strange expression.

"I never would thought that the second time I came here would be to this bullshit" Said the man.

"Grandpa, I told that we shouldn't come, this is bullshit, why would be want to go to war with Cameron! And he knows it as well, he just wants to create trouble for us!" Said a young man beside him.

"Do you think this old man doesn't know that, however, I disagree in one thing, Cameron wouldn't create trouble just because he wants to mess with us, he doesn't need to, if not his style, moreover… he loved his son very much" Said the man.

The middle-aged man was no other than the lord of Pentagate family, as well as the mysterious figure who nobody knew too much, Edo Pentagate.