The soverign's pet

"What the hell is this sword doing here!?" Though Alfonso.

"Wait, first at all, HOW can this sword be here? This planet isn't earth, so this language shouldn't exist here!"

[System updated]

Alfonso heard a voice on his head that he hadn't heard in a long time.

[The first step to becoming a supreme sovereign has been complete!

Congratulations to the host!

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*]

Alfonso's mouth twitched at hearing the voice of the system.

[A reward shall be given to the host…

Processing… 10%...40%...70%...100%!

The reward is complete!

[Demeter's dress]!]

"?" Though Alfonso.

"Demeter's dress? The hell is that?" Though Alfonso.

Inside the system, a beautiful black one-piece dress appeared.

"Is nice and all but… isn't this a bit too little for a large mission?" Though Alfonso.

[Demeter's dress: