Gluttony City-part three-

Gluttony city received a lot of people every day, the number could easily reach five thousand per day. That was why the restrictions for entering were almost nonexistent.

However, today was different.

"You little shits, form a line, and be quiet or I will eat you all!" Said a skeleton guard towards the people who wanted to enter the city.

"…" Lucy looked from the sides while Alfonso and Cerberus also looked at the scene.

"This is strange" Said Lucy in a low voice.

"What's it?" Asked Alfonso.

"The guards aren't these attentive, usually, you just enter without anyone stopping you" Said Lucy.

"Then why?" Asked Cerberus.

"I don't know…" Said Lucy.

"Hey! I come from the second circle to deliver things to the lord! How dare you block my way!"

The man at the front shouted.

Alfonso looked at the man and saw that this man had a pair of black wings and, covering those wings, were two heavy bags.