Endless hotel -part one-

"Where am I?" Asked Alfonso.

He felt a pain in the head and when he woke up, he discovered himself in a black space.

"If I remember correctly I was in the inn that Lucy brought us…" Though Alfonso.


"Ugh!" A buzzing sound resounded in the head of Alfonso making him bend in the ground.

"What is this? Water?" Though Alfonso while touching the ground.

However. When he looked closely, he discovered that the 'water' was too dense to be water.

Alfonso brought his hand near his face…

He discovered that his hand was painted in an intense red.


Alfonso's eyes adapted to the pitch dark and he discovered that he was In what it seem a huge ocean of blood.

"What the hell is going on" Though Alfonso.

However, not long after that, he saw that there were a few things at his side.

"This is!?"

Alfonso turned towards the object and discover a humanoid figure.