A surprise in the auction

Alfonso and company sat in the third row.

"So, what kind of things are auctioned here?" Asked Alfonso.

"Mostly soul related artifacts" Said Deko.

"People here are most afraid of one thing here… become weak" He added.

"Why?" Asked Drakini.

"If you are weak, then you are prey instead of hunter" Said Deko.

"I-I-I see…" Said Drakini.

"Where is Carmine?" Asked Alfonso.

"She should be here pretty soon…" Said Deko.

"WELCOME, EVERYONE!" Suddenly, a voice interrupted them.

Alfonso turned and saw the butler who was standing with a smile on the platform.

Behind him, stood a woman with purple eyes and blonde hair.

"There she is" Whispered Deko to Alfonso.

Alfonso looked at Carmine.

"She really resembles Lucy a lot" Thought Alfonso.

"Ladies and Gentleman, we are about to begin the auction, this time, there a lot of amazing and useful artifacts!" Said the butler.