Lucy and Grindergan-part two-

Grindergan looked at Lucy.

"Lucy, how long do we know each other?" Asked Grindergan.

"About a couple of hundred years, regrettably" Answer Lucy.

"We know each other for so long, why do you insist of making my life impossible? Stop this foolish resistance and join me, with us, the power of demons will go beyond hell and reach the land of the living!" Said Grindergan.

Lucy looked at Grindergan and laughed.

"That's what that thing in your neck told you? Ha! Grindergan, it seems that you more naïve than what I thought, hahahaha"

"You laugh because you are ignorant, however, you have also felt the infinity possibilities of this power" Said Grindergan.

  He took out the pendulum and looked at it with devotion.

"This power doesn't knowledge me, however, I am sure… that when it does, and believe me, it will… not even the gods of this world will be able to stop me" Said Grindergan.