Bloody nun -part one-

"Haa!" Uri jumped towards Dino while her sword moved with incredible speed.

Dino didn't hesitate and made a stance with his spear. Soul power accumulated in the tip of the spear as Dino waited for Uri.

Just as the sword of Uri was about to hit the neck of Dino the spear moved on its own, from below the spear made and horizontal movement, that was about to cut Uri in two!

"This is bad!" Though Uri.

She let go of the sword and jumped to the back, evading the attack at the last moment, but she didn't even land when she saw the spear of Dino right in front of her.

One attack after another, the spear of Dino moved fast while Uri received small injuries on all her body.

Uri clenched her teeth and extended her hand towards the spear!

"What!?" Though Dino.

The spear made a hole on Uri's hand, however…

"Got you" Said Uri.