The First Death

In the Muyan province of the Profound continent, nestled in the far east on the outskirts of Mo City, atop a towering mountain that resembled more than just rock, a chubby boy of about twelve years trudged through tall grass and sparse trees. His robe, torn and stained with mud, had lost its original light blue hue to a dull brown.

The warm glow of the twin moons cast thin beams of light onto the boy's round face, accentuating his deep blue eyes and sharp brows, giving him an almost angelic appearance. Mo Kai, the adopted son of the Mo City Lord, seemed almost genderless, his beauty undeniable even in his disheveled state.

"Why should I care? I'll wait here until Father comes to his senses! Humph, making me practice every day, isn't it too boring? Just wait until he notices I'm missing; he'll surely let me set my own schedule for training."

Mo Kai grumbled to himself, feeling the weight of his predicament. Martial arts practice could be tedious, especially for an unprecedented genius like himself. It was a pity that he alone seemed to understand the struggles of being a genius.

Renowned as the number one genius in all of Muyan province, Mo Kai found himself at the center of every gossip and discussion. Each breakthrough he achieved became the talk of the town, and even his betrothal to Yanru became fodder for speculation. Mo Kai couldn't stand idly by as people spoke ill of Yanru. He would sooner give up cultivation and lead a mortal life with her than be celebrated as a dragon while she was denigrated as a crow aspiring to be the dragon's bride.

Anger flashed across his face as he continued to grumble. Yet, beneath his protests, Mo Kai harbored a secret he had kept since he began cultivating at the age of ten: a nagging feeling that his talent was false, that his cultivation was flawed. He awaited the day when this feeling would come to fruition, and after his latest breakthrough, the sense of impending disaster had only grown stronger.

"Whatever happens, if I become a failure, so be it. They'll probably call Yanru'er and me the 'heavenly trashy couple.' At least then, no one will reject our engagement," Mo Kai mused, though a sense of dejection lingered in his heart. If he truly became a failure, could he ever hold his head high? How would he protect Yanru'er?

"Let me not dwell on it," he forced himself to push the thoughts aside. Instead, his mind turned once more to his father.

"I'm on the verge of breaking through to the Martial Inheritor realm because I've practiced and pushed myself relentlessly. But Father seems unimpressed. I won't be forced this time."

Mo Kai quickened his pace, navigating a narrow game trail rather than the official path up the God Mountain. Cultivators rarely used this trail, and Mo Kai dared not risk being caught, even if disguised. The Mo clan controlled the mountain's resources and perimeter, with guards patrolling diligently.

Just the day before, Mo Kai had barely completed his usual two-hour training routine when his father summoned him. The old man had encouraged him to practice more, but Mo Kai refused, citing boredom. Only he knew the true reason behind his reluctance.

Enraged by his son's foolishness, City Lord Mo flew into a rage and ordered his guards to beat Mo Kai relentlessly from morning until dusk. The punishment drove Mo Kai to finally breakthrough to the peak of the Body Building Realm, leaving him on the cusp of the Martial Inheritor Realm.

In the Profound Continent, immortal cultivation realms were divided into Body Building, Martial Inheritor, Martial Dominator, Heavenly King, Heavenly Emperor, and Heaven Seizing. While there were more realms in ancient times, only one cultivator had surpassed the Heaven Seizing Realm in over fifteen thousand years.

Understanding the cultivation realms didn't make attainment any easier. Mo Kai, hailed as a genius comparable to Emperor Tu'chan, still took two years to progress from the first level of Body Building to its peak. Soon, he would break through to the Martial Inheritor realm, becoming the youngest in ancient memory.

This disparity highlighted the difference between human cultivators and the primordial demons of old, who were born with cultivation at its peak. Despite the praise for Mo Kai's talent, he still harbored doubts about his cultivation. Yet, his progress remained remarkable, a testament to his exceptional talent.

Mo Kai emerged onto a wider trail, feeling relieved as he recognized his surroundings. "It shouldn't be long before I reach the hunt house. Seems like Mo Chen didn't lie to me after all," he thought, renewed determination spurring him forward.

However, his enthusiasm waned as fatigue set in. Despite his peak cultivation, Mo Kai's combat prowess only matched that of a level six Body Building cultivator. Keeping this hidden was crucial, as revealing it would invite disdain, even from his closest friends.

As Mo Kai trudged forward, he thought of the dangers lurking in the god mountain's inner reaches. While the hunt house provided safety from beasts and hostile cultivators, straying too close could be fatal.

Mo Kai's bold escape plan relied on the hunt house for safety. Hiding elsewhere, especially with the hunts team scouring the city, would be futile.

Exhaustion overcame Mo Kai, and he collapsed, his breaths labored. Panic surged as he struggled for air, realizing the gravity of his situation.

"Oh, Celestial Emperor, let me live. I vow to practice even if I become a failure. Please help me," Mo Kai pleaded, his thoughts turning to Yanru'er and his late mother.

As death loomed, Mo Kai pondered his fate. "Is this my destiny? I regret!" And with that, his consciousness faded, leaving behind only silence.

Mo Kai died.