The Ancient

Before the immortals what existed was eternal but then, what is eternal without immortality?

Deep within the god mountain, two men sat in the air, there was no Profound Qi fluctuating from them which was rather odd but the two men were anything but ordinary. they had been sitting for over six hours, long enough for a man to have a good night sleep but they looked as though they can stay that way forever.

Lying on a bed of leaves seven feet away from the men was a body of a young boy, his body was also odd for there was no breath of life within him yet his body glowed red like a hot coal and from time to time it jerked and twisted. For a dead body to move, even a fool knows mysterious power was at work.

The gossip early morning wind seemed to have noticed a still-like excitement budding around the men, it flew gently towards them caressing their body like a woman's touch, a playful visage soon dawned on their faces, they chuckled in unison and were soon laughing maniacally as though they had just heard the greatest joke.

Of the two men, one was young and handsome, his face was not unfamiliar, it was a face anyone from Mo city will recognize the City Lord!, opposite him sat an old man whose eyes seems so old that the Cosmo itself will feel young if graced by them. However, since these two men met six hours ago, they had not spoken, seeming to be in a contest of patience.

"The old wind believes it can contain any secrets we divulge, overestimating itself," the old man began, his voice carrying an air of extreme languor, as though he held speech in disdain. Unperturbed, the City Lord responded with a furrowed brow, "Indeed, old man, do you perceive our words to possess exceptional power, or have I misinterpreted your simple remark?"

"hahahaha, let's not mince words, even now, I can feel your full cultivation base threatening to break through your locks. if I am not wrong, suppressing it is becoming harder and harder, hahahahaha, not simple, not simple at all"

Lord Mo frowned, in truth, he had always been suppressing his cultivation base since he recovered from his injuries but his cultivation hiding art is unique, one from the ancient book of origin. For this man to be able to tell even though his Qi wasn't chaotic showed how extraordinary he was!,

Of course, he wasn't worried. Lord Mo believed he was unmatched in the entire universe, no matter how extraordinary this man was, he was not from the Homeland.

"you are right, I am from a very far place, I doubt you have ever heard of it before"

The old man chuckled "I have seen and heard every truth that exists, little one need not censor your words with me, but if you must, tell me, does this phrase Heaven homeland of the Ancients mean anything to you"

 Agitated, Lord Mo's agitation betrayed his composure, a rarity given his mysterious cultivation. To evoke such a reaction from Lord Mo hinted at the old man's formidable stature. For him to be startled at his level was already a thing to make even the heavenly Dao excited!. The wind sure was, it swirled and blew dry leaves away from beneath the men, sending it flying out of the clearing. the Old Man smiled again and spoke to the wind

"little one, the words to come will unmake you, retreat now and continue riding the air of this world."

The wind ceased all movement but after a while, it continued to swirl gently round the clearing.

"Old Man, I apologize for my words" Lord Mo bowed towards the old man without doubt the man before him is an Ancient. The Ancient nodded his head.

"Junior will now speak without restriction. however, I plead that senior protect this world from being destroyed by my words"

"You need not worry, though my cultivation is mostly gone, it is still something even the jade emperor can't handle with ease"

"Then I'm relieved!, you are right, am from that place" Lord Mo was decisive and direct, without waiting for the old man reaction, he continued "The Apocalypse have started, Modaz killed one of the Fates and now Destiny can directly act against anyone". The wind trembled, turning into a mini hurricane and within its eye a shriek was heard, soon the wind dispersed, vanishing into nothing.

To Lord Mo, the death of the wind sprite was nothing compared to the pleasure from seeing the Old Man's face turn into a severe expression of shock, he nearly fell from the air.

'Seems it has been eons since this man left Homeland'

" You.., are you lying to me, when did that brat Modaz become stronger than the Fates?, no, who can kill one of the original! aren't you being unreasonable, this old man may have left the Homeland for years but am not that clueless, even the Ancient primordial was restricted by the Fates, how can a descendant of the old gods kill Fate?."

"Old Man, what I said is the truth, Modaz killed the beginning, the other Fates; End and Destiny have gone into exile and have not been seen for ages!."

The old man inhaled a long breath then began to laugh "hahahaha, indeed, he was right" tears glistered in his eyes, "it is finally happening, immortals can now be killed. the throne of the ancient will soon be taken from the titans. what was the reaction of the Titans" he asked

"The Old Ones are still sleeping, it seems like they won't be waking up anytime soon"

The Old Man nodded "even with the death of Beginning, nothing have changed only when the End dies will they wake up. Humph, Modaz is no fool, for him to have killed beginning first is because he feared being unmade!, did Modaz wear the crown of Creation?, No, forget it, he definitely won't dare but I'm sure his present will be perilous.destiny will create great adversary for him. He might not survive the on slaughter of destiny"

Lord Mo watched the Old Man trying to link his face to tales of one of the Ancients who went missing throughout the ages but he came up with nothing.

"Little one, you have given this Old Man something I have longed for since I came to this world. I still have one last question, who is that lad?," he asked pointing towards Mo Kai

Lord Mo's muscles went taut and a look of guarded suspicion suffused his face.

"you don't need to answer if you don't want to, I can at least say that he is not simple, if am not wrong, someone from that world wants him dead, but am confused, isn't he just a human, his bloodline looked very human, too human actually. if he is just this, who would be bored enough to make a play for his life and who still will have someone of your strength be a protector for him"

After hesitating for a while, Lord Mo sighed, "he is special, our young Master" a gentle smile appeared on his face, his eyes were filled with traces of love and gentleness.

"I fear to say his true name, his mortal name is Mo Kai, I hope old man will forgive me, if he can become the tenth of who his father was, calling his true name will only draw his future self here"

"hahahah you think highly of your young master, he is still a human and I doubt he will be anything strong enough to injure us, could it be you despise telling me and could only come up with this excuse" the Old Man shamelessly goaded him.

Lord Mo smiled tiredly, he knew an ancient fear no one and even his master wont be able to injure one but the old man is an intent being, in the words of humans, he is merely a intent soul of an Ancient "you are over thinking this Old Man, in return, you must tell me about your esteemed self"


"Good, Old Man's forwardness is something to admire, I won't hesitate anymore. His name is Ma.."

Before he could completely say the name, the world stilled and warped, time froze and seemed to show signs of being unmade. All movement came to an abrupt stop, within the great mortal world of profound continent everything but these two men froze in time.

The two men were horrified as dread filled their heart. An oppressive might laced with unimaginable killing intent pressed down from above knocking them flat. Before this colossal might the two men were nothing more than babies. a cold snarl devoid of humanity reverberated from the void that appeared above them. The two men looked into the void and saw an enormous eye deep red like the heart of a sun. They were petrified, completely unable to even look away, the eye looked at them only for a split second then vanished. Before the eyes vanished however, a look of ruthlessness flashed through it making the might pressing down on them increase by tens of fold.

Their heads were pressed deep into the earth!. The flow of time was restored rather abruptly and the suddenly release from the pressure didn't make the men any better, they each spouted a mouthful of glistering bright blood, looking pale, they looked at each other's eyes and the cherry red boy that lay soundly by the corner, the horror not leaving their faces!. The Old Man subconsciously shifted away from the boy.

"I.., I may have overestimated myself" the old man spoke in a depressed tone. The incidence almost destroyed him, unlike Lord Mo, he was neither living nor Dead, he was an ordinary Will of an Ancient who went into Oblivion, even though he had the full cultivation base as he did when he was alive, he could not cultivate nor absorb essense. Saying he has this true body's full cultivation is a stretch, it is more like having power to deliver just a full body blow before withering into nothing. Losing a mouthful of blood essence was more than half of all the cultivation he had. He visibly aged, more wrinkles appearing on his face. The old man's shoulders sagged. He didn't even bother with his self image as he sat there on the floor staring a the sleeping boy Mo kai.

"who is he after all?, he has the power that no human had ever wielded., who is he"

Lord Mo smiled despite himself, also joining the Man on the floor, what is the point of appearing grand when just a single eye left them half dead.

He was happy knowing his young master became such a person in the future, the Old Lord will gladly go into Oblivion smiling. But he also felt something wrong, it was a fleeting sort of intuition but his knowledge of laws was not the same as cultivators of this realm, he was born with a complete comprehension of most of the laws, even though he didn't know much about the Dao of time, he still felt like something was off.

"You also felt it right?" the Old Man's voice cut through his thoughts

"Old Man, you must have also felt it, do you know what it was, I feel as though he killed us but still here we are living, what could have happened"

"he did kill us, If my guess is not wrong, in a bead to unmake him, someone restarted the dao of time, we died in that timeline"

" what?, but the Fate of beginning is dead, how can it still be possible?"

The old man also had his doubt and so kept quiet, his head arched to the side as he thought of it, after a while, he smiled

"indeed, I am right, Destiny made a move against him. hahahahah, those four originals(fates) may have met their match in Modaz and this little fellow. Destiny must have seen his future only when he became supremely powerful and was unable to kill him. all he could do was restart the time he walked, make the original timeline a mirage and choosing one of the variable timelines to become the real. hahahah, even destiny is working against itself, chaos, hahahaha chaos, since you are still here, Destiny couldn't affect the time walked by Modaz but this young fella probably lacked in the dao of time"

Lord Mo was having a headache trying to understand the meaning of the Old Man's words and smartly gave up halfway, the originals are three, not four. the Ancients' words are always confusing but if what he got from the little he understood was true then he had too much to worry.

"Does it mean that in this timeline the young master will never be an Ancient"

"Since destiny have made a move, only two paths now exists for the boy, he may end up dead or he will die without dying. I am sure in this timeline he is destined to die. maybe, he will walk the path of the three death.

"I don't understand, what path of three death, I have never heard of it before"

"let's drop the topic, if what we experience was any indication, this child didn't grow to be a soft persimmon, we were hurt from behind the veil of mirage, incredible."

"if you say so" Even in the Homeland, secrets exist and just because one was born with high cultivation doesn't mean they are privy to them. Silence soon enveloped them, they sat like that, not saying anything, after an hour Lord Mo and the Old Man both looked towards the direction of Mo City.

"she will come here"

"The Heavenly yin body, she has the potential to be a Quasi Ancient, you are going to allow her talent rot here?" the old man was confused from what he could see of the lady on the long beaked Eagle, she seemed astonishingly talented.

"I don't have a Heavenly Yin cultivation technique and I can't even send signal to the immortal realm of this universe, I fear using the power of a Heaven Seizing will make all my efforts to suppress my cultivation go to waste, that's not counting the thousands of universes that will get destroyed if I became careless"

"indeed, yin bodies are highly selective of cultivation technique. since I don't have one either, I will send the Heavenly Yin totem to the immortal realm. Such a girl cannot be allowed to rot in a mortal world, she is also close to your young master, I think you owe me young one."

Lord Mo didn't deny the man's words he knew all he said was true, sending the heavenly yin totem to the immortal world will probably drain all the Qi he had in him. "I have nothing extraordinary to give you but I will agree to any of your request if it does not oppose my principles"

"you don't need to worry too much young one, This old man have already gone Into oblivion, living is not something I want anymore. however, my cultivation technique was made primarily for humans and demons, I have been here for ages waiting for a successor up till this young boy stumbled upon my test formation and as you can see, his body is suitable for it. even more suitable than my body when I created it."

Lord Mo frowned, could it be that the old man didn't notice Mo kai's unusual physique,

"Old man, did you notice anything about his physique, isn't it unique?"

"in my excitement on finding a worthy successor, I didn't even bother to check the body, let me see" with a step, he was beside Mo kai and gently touched his forehead. The Man's eyes soon open with light glistering in them, "hahahaha, I didn't come here in vain, hahahah, what destiny, what fates, a worthy successor indeed!"

Not to be left out of the excitement, lord Mo jumped to his feet and was soon beside the Old Man looking at him with face filled with expectations.

"Others, not even the Titans and Primordial himself will be able to help this fella cultivate, only I" his voice was loud and thick with pride, Lord Mo didn't interrupt, even Mo Kai's Father had said cultivation will be impossible for Mo Kai, he knew how powerful Mo Kai's father was but in terms of Knowledge, it seems this Old Man stands unrivalled.

"He is a human born with a sleeping cultivation, his breakthroughs in the mortal realm is mostly because of his inborn cultivation overflow, he would definitely lose it all and become a trash once he breakthrough to the inheritor realm. I think the Mortal Ancient also had something similar but the two are completely different, while the Ancient couldn't tap her inborn cultivation base, she knew it existed and could feel it and most importantly, she wasn't human. This boy however is the first full blooded human to be born with a sleeping cultivation, his human bloodline even gives me a subtle sense of dread!, if I am right, he is human but not quite human, a perfect match between those two ancient bloodline from the Homeland, something I chose to call Asura!.

" this.. this.., how can it be?, it shouldn't have been possible, old man, are you not mistaken?

"Humph, this Old Man spent his whole life working on creating the Asura Sovereign Technique, do you think there is another Ancient that will cripple his whole cultivation just to test a technique he created?, Nonsense, I'm now sure how this fella became so strong!. hahahaha, if not my technique as his foundation, how could he become so freakish?, what else could have made it possible?".

" incredible, you are that Ancient, the Asura Ancient that nearly woke up the Titans just to test your combat prowess but was blown away by the breath exhaled by the sleeping Titan??.

The Old Man blushed, his beard's shaking and twitching, "Heheheheh, I was young then, so young"

Lord Mo was left speechless, young?, he was among the fourth batch of living being to exist!. he existed even before space!. forget it, Lord Mo knowing now who the old man was became relaxed, the Asura Ancient was the calmest and weakest of the Ancients but after recultivating with his self made technique, no Ancient could withstand a hundred strike from him. he was the pioneer of all the techniques in the martial sphere except of course the origin techniques that existed to give form.

"The laws have changed, this lad will inherit my technique but I must warn you, he may end up disdaining even his parents, before he wakes up, you should create a scene of tragedy and leave this universe, within ten years every world will be isolated and will only open up for young genius who are ascending, if you don't leave now, this timeline will unmake you. Since I will be using most of my power to send a signal to the immortal realm, I will leave a strand of will to accompany my successor. Remember, create a believable scene of tragedy. if you leave without doing so, this lazy fellow won't feel the urge to cultivate, his will is still weak and is not fit to cultivate my technique at the moment, you will be helping him out"

"I understand what to do, his Father also gave similar instructions but we were supposed to wait until he was fifteen. I will go back now and prepare my death. Old Man, I leave first"

He vanished where he stood leaving the Old Man staring at Mo Kai. The Asura Ancient smiled at the lad and with a flick of his sleeve, an ancient looking scroll appeared. "this is my legacy little boy, just try and be who you were in the other timeline, this Ancient will be satisfied" he chuckled and looked up to the sky, the sun was already at the centre of the sky blazing vigorously, The man lifted up his right hand and pointed at the sky, torrents of energy were emitted, the energy seemed fiery hot but in truth they were cold, very cold. They flew into the sky forming nine bright round orbs that were interlinked into a Phoenix, it flew towards the sun growing smaller as it went, before long, it vanished entirely.

"it consumed more energy than I thought, I will soon go into slumber" he staggered, his face looking even older, his body began to turn into dust,

'I knew this body won't last long, but it could have lasted me for another billion years, too short, now my energy won't even sustain me for a thousand years.'

'Thankfully, this lad's body already had the sea of consciousness, a body with a cultivation of heavenly king, dormant or not, wasn't much even in immortal realm but a human born with that cultivation, a sleeping cultivation is a miracle'

The ancient stroll hovered over the cherry red body of Mo Kai, a faint ball of light flew from the Old Man's body into the scroll and with a bang, the Man's body blew up into a cloud of dust, when the dust settled, only a boy whose face was filled with the vigor of youth could be seen, he was breathing quietly as though in deep sleep. In his very real but closed sea of consciousness, in a black world of its own, an ancient scroll could be seen lying on a corner and a small ghost like figure of an Old Man could be seen sleeping.