Counter attack

Using his left hand, Shaun scooped up a handful of dirt from the ground. It was a cliché move, but clichés existed for a reason. With a swift motion, he hurled the dirt into the reptile's face. The creature flinched, blinking rapidly as the particles irritated its eyes. Staggering back, it began swiping erratically, claws slashing through the air in wild arcs despite being blinded. The ground splintered as the creature's claws struck down where Shaun had been lying just a moment before. He barely avoided the first strike, rolling to the side as another claw slammed down beside him. The creature swiped again, and Shaun narrowly evaded each thrust, feeling the ground tremble with every miss.

Seeing an opening, Shaun kicked the reptile's legs, sliding out from under its reach just in time.

But the reptile wasn't fooled for long. Even blinded, it lunged at Shaun, jaws wide open, teeth gleaming with deadly intent. Shaun barely had time to react, bringing up the pole between his hands. The creature's teeth snapped down on it, the impact sending a shockwave through his entire body. The force nearly knocked him off his feet, but he held firm. The reptile, still swiping wildly, tried to claw at him again. With a desperate twist, Shaun used the pole's momentum and the creature's own weight to hurl it over his shoulder in a makeshift throw.

Shaun hit the ground rolling, his hand already reaching for the spear that had been knocked aside earlier. Just in time—he barely had a second to spare as the other two reptiles charged. One was nearly on top of him when a faint blue light pulsed beneath its feet.

The trap Shaun had set earlier sprang to life, the Wrap Trap ensnaring the creature's leg just as it took a step forward. The sudden entanglement tripped the beast, causing it to stagger and lose its balance. It tumbled forward, momentum shattered, rolling chaotically as Shaun seized the opportunity.

As the second reptile came barreling toward him, Shaun knew he didn't have the strength to pierce the beast's tough scales on his own. Instead, he quickly planted the butt of the spear into the ground, angling it upward and bracing it with his foot. The spear became a lever, its point aimed at the oncoming lizard.

The creature, driven by its own momentum, collided with the spear. The force drove the spearhead deep into its body, impaling it with a sickening crunch. The reptile let out a gurgled screech as it thrashed, but its own weight only pushed the spear further in, pinning it to the ground.

Wasting no time, Shaun gripped the spear with both hands, using the dead reptile as a counterweight. With a desperate shout, he pivoted and slammed the spear—along with the still-twitching body of the first reptile—into the side of the third creature, driving it back and pinning it to the ground as well.

Shaun's chest heaved as he stood over the fallen reptile, the weight of the spear still heavy in his hands. For a fleeting moment, he allowed himself a breath of relief—but it was snatched away as soon as his eyes met the leader's.

The creature's gaze was unnervingly steady, devoid of the rage or desperation Shaun expected. Instead, what he saw in those cold, calculating eyes sent a chill down his spine. There was no sense of loss, no fury over its fallen comrades—just a detached, clinical annoyance, as if dealing with a minor nuisance that had overstayed its welcome.

With slow, deliberate motion, the leader opened its mouth. Black venom dripped from its fangs, hissing as it made contact with the ground, eating away at the earth. The creature's claws scraped against its teeth, the sharp, grating sound filling the air as they were coated with thick, viscous poison. Shaun watched, every fiber of his being screaming at him to run, to escape this nightmare, but his body refused to move. The creature was playing with him, letting him feel the weight of his impending doom.

Panic surged in Shaun's chest as he finally forced himself to act. He gripped the spear and yanked, trying to pull it free from the dead reptile's body, but it was stuck fast. His fingers slipped on the blood-slick wood, his breath coming in ragged gasps. The leader didn't move, simply watching him with those cold, predatory eyes, waiting.

Then, in a blur of motion, it launched itself at Shaun with terrifying speed, its massive form covering the distance in the blink of an eye. Shaun's heart slammed in his chest as he wrenched the spear free just in time—but the creature was already upon him, a wall of muscle and scales, claws and teeth.

Shaun raised the spear, bracing himself as the creature lunged, its jaws parting as if to strike with a fatal bite. Instinctively, he held the weapon firm, positioning it to intercept the gnashing teeth. He was ready—or so he thought. But the beast wasn't following the same predictable pattern. No, it had baited him, tricking him into that very defense.

At the last moment, the creature shifted its weight, fangs snapping shut just inches from the spear. Shaun's breath caught in his throat, muscles straining to hold the line—when suddenly, with a fluid, deceptive motion, the creature's massive tail whipped around with blinding speed.

The impact was like being hit by a battering ram. The tail connected with the spear, and before Shaun could even register what was happening, the weapon was ripped from his hands, splinters flying as it shattered. The force sent him staggering backward, the wind knocked out of him. Pain exploded through his side as he struggled to stay on his feet, but the ground seemed to tilt beneath him.

In that split second, he realized just how outmatched he was—not just in strength, but in cunning. The creature wasn't merely attacking; it was outthinking him, anticipating his every move and exploiting it with ruthless efficiency.

The spear gone, Shaun had no choice but to switch to the pole, his grip tightening on the only thing that stood between him and the beast's next strike. But the creature didn't give him time to recover. It was on him in an instant, teeth bared, claws slashing through the air with terrifying precision.

Shaun did everything he could to deflect the attacks, the pole a blur in his hands as he desperately parried each blow. But the force behind them was overwhelming. Each impact sent shockwaves up his arms, tearing at his muscles, the pole vibrating under the relentless assault. His bones felt like they were grinding against one another, the pain sharp and unyielding.

He could taste blood in his mouth, a hot, metallic tang that only fueled his desperation. His vision blurred, the world narrowing to the brutal dance between him and the beast. Every move was a battle, every breath a struggle as the creature drove him back, step by step, closer to the edge of his endurance.

Despite the mounting pain and exhaustion, one chilling fact became clear to Shaun: the creature was toying with him. It could have ended his life at any moment but chose to prolong the fight, savoring his desperation as his strength ebbed away. This wasn't just a jungle beast; it was a calculating predator, intelligent and malicious, taking pleasure in its dominance.

Shaun maneuvered toward a rocky outcrop he recognized from his vantage at home. With his back against the wall, he hoped to use the rocks to absorb some of the impact and buy himself a few precious moments. For a while, it worked, but the creature suddenly stopped, its eyes narrowing. Shaun realized with a jolt—it was bored. The game was over.

Its jaws parted, ready to crush his skull.

Shaun wasn't ready to die. Not after everything he'd endured. As the creature lunged, he summoned every last ounce of strength.