Arduous planning

Zhao Wei was waiting for this exact moment. Just as the Clay Eaters were bewildered by this change of events, a small rumble could be in the forest. They could only watch as 2 piles of logs came swinging towards their bodies at an extreme speed, working almost like a battering ram. One came for the one in the front and another for the one in the back.

For the one in the front, a section of his armor came crumbling due to the massive impact. The one in the back was a little luckier as it had stood a little more to the left, part of it's armor still broke but because it wasn't at the highest point of impact it sustained was much better than it's partner.

Zhao Wei rushed in to meet the bigger one while on the side Panda jumped in to engage the smaller one as a distraction. The bigger one couldn't even move as 3 coated spears were stabbed into it's joints.

As soon as that was done Zhao Wei moved quickly to attack the second one, who was too preoccupied with Panda to notice him come and stab into the joints in it's thighs. It only took about 3-4 minutes before this one was struggling to move.

This battle had Zhao Wei's finger prints all over it. In fact his heart was beating quite quickly as he tried to set the beasts up, even as they threw that clay. The starting confrontation lasted less than a minute but under Zhao Wei's cloak he was frantically dealing with his equipment.

This was the reason he brought a lot of sticks with him for this hunt. While he was down here, he'd been fixing up a mechanism in this cloak. The sticks lined the inner robe and was attached to several spokes attached to a stake that ran down the spine of his clothing.

When the clay was just about to land, he'd activated this mechanism which caused the cloak to fanned out like an umbrella while the stake extended to pierce itself into the ground behind him. This kept the clay off him while still making it seem like he'd been caught.

The next few seconds were crucial as he stuck some Death Wish toxin sacs into the umbrella section before escaping and activating the logs. This specific trap had taken him days just to complete, Firstly he needed a lot of strong rope which he was running out of, so he had to break down several plants and break them down fiber by fiber, tangling them together meter by meter until he had a sufficiently long rope which in total was 150 meters of rope per beast.

Once he'd done so, he needed to cut down a total of 8 logs which weighed an immeasurable amount to him before tying them in a swing like fashion between two trees each in which he needed to have them lifting of the ground. Once that was done, he needed to tie the back section to another tree so that it would have momentum to swing forward later on. For these tasks alone, Zhao Wei didn't sleep for 4 day and night periods, only the last night period did he sleep for more than 30 hours.

The front one had bitten into the clay with the umbrella inside, hence it had eaten a mouthful of toxin sacs. Although it later spat it out, a large amount had already entered his system. Zhao Wei had already noticed that although their armor was thick, it was impossible for it to cover the whole beast or else it wouldn't be able to move at all, especially near the joints which needed some space to move. The logs just made the armor thinner so that his coated spears didn't snag on any of the armor pieces when he struck.

As the first one had already eaten a mouthful, he had calculated the number of additional stabs he needed for enough toxin to immobilize it before he could move on to the next one which fell down with the exact same toxin.

He couldn't kill them yet, far from it, he'd only subdued them. Even if he'd had them in this position of powerlessness, just by hitting the joints, he'd never deal a vital enough blow to kill them. Even it's eyelids were covered in a thick shell which they were smart enough to close. It'd taken him more than a week in old earth time to prepare the log traps and even that didn't kill them.

By his count, all the toxins he used should have given him 20 minutes at the worst. This was exactly why he didn't like fighting big beasts. He'd neglected most of his training except the physical training he got from lifting heavy objects. For whole weeks he'd prepared for this moment only to give him some time in exchange. With medium sized beasts, he'd need at most 3 whole days of preparation, and that was in order to wipe out a whole pack.

No, this wasn't to kill them. He was simply buying himself time. Time to subdue and the hunter behind them. That's why they were moving in this direction anyway. He thought, if he could kill the hunter, these beasts wouldn't have a need to migrate.

Just as he was having this thought, something jumped at him. The astonishment couldn't be hidden from his face, he'd had his senses on full alert during the whole fight and subjugation but didn't even notice it until it was a meter away from him.

Turning instantly while simultaneously swinging his pole to catch the hunter off-guard, Zhao Wei was flabbergasted to find that he'd only hit air. He could've sworn there was a large shadow of a body lunging at him, but now there was nothing to prove that fact, not even a stir anywhere.

He'd even checked behind him to see if it had jumped past him, but nothing popped up. Just as he wanted to step forward and think it was a delusion, the hairs on his neck tingled and he turned around with the pole held in front of his chest.

42 gigantic interlocking teeth clamped down on the pole, gnawing it, trying to break it. Zhao Wei's heart couldn't get a break as his blood turned cold. A long snout covered in black fur was holding on to the middle of his pole, but what scared him the most was that this snout emerged from his own shadow.