
Even before the sun rose the jungle was filled with a cacophony of various sounds. Many of the beasts were awakened earlier today but could only feel grumpy and dissatisfied as the noise originated from the beast on the hill.

Even the Mountain groaned and did a 180 degree turn to block the noise with what can be assumed to be its backside. Many beasts knew that although it seemed welcoming, with the beast's peculiar traps, it had made the area a different environment on its own.

The beast in question was up on the hill holding a rope that stretched from his hands to the cliff. With each extension of the rope, he'd exhale a little and his hands would tighten like deadlocks on the ropes so it didn't slip out of his hands while he was lowering it.

The noises didn't come from him but the item attached to the rope. It looked like a boat with a small house on top of it, except for the fact that it had wheels attached to the side and two handles jutting out from the front.

This was Zhao Wei's new home. He didn't know what was beyond the forest, so he decided to make something that traveled on both land and water. Additionally, due to it's shape and high bottom surface area, it probably wouldn't sink into sand if he met a dessert.

The trees that he'd been breaking these past few days weren't going to waste as he'd made this contraption with their bodies. At first he'd use ropes of twine to keep the planks together before he nailed them together using sharpened beast bones.

Once he was done, he'd spent a few days collecting hardening fluids from beasts such as the Clay Eaters and applied them into the inner part to add to the structure's strength. By the hardness of the beast fluids, he was sure that even if the wood works were destroyed, the hardened cement like materials would be left virtually intact.

But just to be sure, he added the hides of scaled beasts on the outer body before coating it again, making it look like an upside down, spike shell. On top, he'd built a simple triangular hut that would fit everyone inside with a little more space for movement. Coating the outer wall to ensure that rain wouldn't be able to drip in and lined the inner wall with beast fur hides, giving the room a comfy feeling.

Behind this hut he made a cube shaped storage, rising a little higher than the hut in front. He had a lot of material he hadn't used yet, but with their different levels of hardness and flexibility as well as resistances, he might have a use for them in the future.

The whole thing was coated which made it look like it was purely made from bones. The front handles were made for him. Even if he was traveling, he needed to upkeep his strength training. For now, this allowed him to do both.

The structure kept rubbing against the ropes, creating groans that woke up the whole forest. He'd already moved most of the things he was bringing for the trip.

As it set down on the forest floor, Zhao Wei didn't follow suit. He instead went back to the tallest part of the hill and took out his pan and began heating it. He didn't cook anything but simply fried a lot of beast fat mixed with sesame seeds.

It was pretty simple, but he wasn't cooking for flavor, he was cooking for smell. Beast fat smell alone was very strong but the sesame seeds added a mysterious lingering fragrance. Alone, it had impact, but together it was a lingering temptation in the mind even once the smell was gone.

The wind was good today causing the aroma to flood to the bottom of the hill and into the forest. It took less than 2 minutes for the forest to rumble excitedly. From the trees a flood of beasts emerged rushing towards Zhao Wei's hill.

When Zhao Wei heard this he walked to the edge of the cliff. There he'd planted hundreds of spears into the surface. He walked up to the edge and simply sat.

Another 5 minutes pass and beasts entered the border where Zhao Wei destroyed the trees. Even after the first step, several beasts would be wrapped up or killed. Even the big beasts would have instant deaths as their bigger size would cause them to land on several traps at once and if the first traps didn't kill them there were still many traps to come.

Even Zhao Wei didn't know how many traps he'd set in the area. In fact, he was doing this specifically for that reason. The beast hordes were a tool for him to clear a path through his traps for his vehicle to move through. He didn't want it to be damaged before the trip even began.

He sat on the top, waiting for the beasts to continue moving forward. By the time they reached half a kilometer from the total of two kilometer radius, one sixth of them had died. It wasn't just from the traps as most of the big and medium beasts could clear through 6 traps or so before dying.

They were killing each other on the way. Like it or not, they didn't come here under a single consensus. Some preys met their predators, and predators met other predators. Those that were slow or got caught in a Wrap Trap were killed under the stampede of the other beasts.

Although the beasts grew a little smarter, they weren't able to quench their primal desires yet, that's what led them here though they usually avoided the area. And for that reason as well, they were willing to kill each other to get a bigger piece of whatever was up on the hill.

Zhao Wei hadn't even started throwing spears. He couldn't, it was quite high above and on the ground the beasts were 1.5 kilometers away. From this distances he'd be wasting most of his spears and strength. He was waiting for them to reach the 0.5 kilometer mark but he wasn't sure they would get there.