For Drasas


Dust coloured buildings protruded from the ground. Splotches of cracked paint and broken bricks on the roofs tell of a more prosperous history. But the sun is mercilous, so was the dust and wind. Any thing under its gaze were burnt through, even the air felt like the touch of hot iron.

In front of the village, a crowd was gathering. The dust billowed as they slid to move closer to where the commotion was centered. Although All these people were clambering and pressed against each other, there was a group in the middle distinguishable from the rest.

Though the crowd circled them and some carried their children on their shoulders, from a level point of view their heads and shoulders still poked up above them, the men and women both. Their arms were twice as thick as the others, their backs stayed straight through out the procession and their eyes never wondered around even as their families came to say goodbye they didn't break from the ranks as they exchange words of warmth and fortune for the future.

Just as the crowd was getting restless a horn was blown which quieted the whole area. "Welcome your highness, Lady Eyisha!!"

From a nearby room, a single person strolled out, but as she passed the crowd bowed while they slid their hands towards their solar plexus seeming as if they were praying. A hint of endearment flashed across her golden eyes before reverting back into a coldness as her eyes met a certain gathering of an obviously wealthier group in the crowd.

She seemed almost as if she was floating as she moved towards the center, trident in hand and a bronze armor adorned her body. Her hair black hair tied into a ponytail cascading down to the small of her back. Her originally fair skin had turned a sultry tan from toiling under the sun and her once soft hand held a firm confidence.

"Kitsi, I believe I asked for ten warriors to converge today... So tell me why is there double the amount" She asked, although her tone was commanding there was a little frustration in it as she may have already known the answer regardless of the other party's reason.

"Milady, I considered that if we took that amount of provisions and only ten people there will be a higher burden on the villagers as the warriors eat at least twice the amount of the rest. So I had brought ten more to minimize the pressure on what was left over." The person in question had probably already practiced that reasoning the whole night.

With her free hand, Eyisha rubbed her temple. "And why are you within their ranks?"

"Of course Milady, if you've forgotten I am one of the few silver class warriors before I was chosen to serve you" she said, "though my hands have touched the trays and cutleries more in the recent years, I believe my hands are yet to rust."

Before Eyisha could even say anything in reply, she continued. " If you want to threaten me with the loss of my post again, I will gladly resign but still join you on this trip as I believe no one would like to have such a disobedient servant", while she said this she turned to look at the group Eyisha was just looking at before, pressuring them to keep quiet, "if that happens I might as well follow as a rouge warrior as no one would want to feed a jobless person with the left over food from the village."

"Fine!!", Eyisha could only stare at her aid, feeling exasperated. But soon a playful smile ran across her face. "My dear kitty, you seem to be getting naughtier and more unruly these past few months..."

"My lady, you promised not to call me by that name in public..." Her face turned red.

"Ah, ah, ah, I wasn't finished... since you seem to be lacking the discipline, I might have to 'train' you like I did when we were children."

Kitsi's eyes twitched as some repressed trauma re-emerges in her mind, cold sweat ran down her shoulders as she shivered. "Milady I..."

"Ah" Eyisha put her finger in front of her mouth. "I must address the people now."

With that Kitsi could only slump down at the thought of her fate.

Turning towards the crowd, Eyisha took a deep breathe.

"My people of Drasra! For many years you have looked upon me as the princess of our great nation, but today I would like to speak to you not as one who stands above you, but as someone who stands beside you."

"My father told me, the king is for the people, and for years I have misunderstood what that meant. But now I know, a leader is not one who sits on top, a leader is one who steps before the people, to forge a path so that their people may stay safe.

"So I pray you look upon me not as your princess who sits on a throne, but as one of you who will forge our path forward. For I will no longer lie to you... our path ahead is dark and dim. Our provisions are dwindling and yet our borders are besieged by a great calamity, one the likes of which our people had yet to face."

Many faces turned ashen as it was the first time they heard this.




The shouts came from the people behind the wealthy group. Instigators paid to defame her. She knew this but did not retaliate.

"I wish I was lying to you, for I would pray for nothing more than the stability of our people," She continued with a solemn voice, nobody could see her eyes as she bent forward to steady herself. But they could see her strong arms shaking.

Kitsi who stood close by clenched her fist until her nails pierced flesh and her blood dripped freely. The rest of the people and the warriors as well digested the information they were just given. They were not angered, instead their hearts went towards the princess.

Regardless of the toughness she exudes now, they knew the playful and carefree princess from before all this happened. They knew that in these few months, the one that took it the hardest was the highness as before, the weight of the clan rested on her brother's and father's shoulders. But they were away with the rest of the army when the change occurred.

Suddenly the weight of the whole village rested on her shoulders as they were suddenly shifted into the dessert, any wildlife and plants left around them died under the constant battering of the sun and the dust seeped in and destroyed their once towering and colorful buildings.

Alone, she had to figure out how the kingdom would survive with 200 or so warriors and nearly a thousand people under her. She was an instant substitute for the hope of the people and that weight dropped on her without giving her time to adjust.

Her arms still shook, but she looked up in determination. "But I promise you this! When we are battered, I will take the first blow!! If we bleed I will bleed first before any of your flesh is cut!!... If we must perish!! I will take the first step before I let any of you step into the river!! For Drasra!!"

As soon as she was done she lifted her staff and knocked it against the ground, a shock wave blew winds towards the crowd. A few seconds pass, she looked into the crowd confused. The people hadn't responded.

They didn't respond not out of disdain. But they were shocked. Few of the warriors could produce the strength she produced even with both arms. They knew only if one dirsregarded everything could they reach such strength. This young lady had in less than a year pushed herself to such a level.

They couldn't help but let the tears flow from their eyes, trying to stifle themselves from downright sobbing. Kitsi screamed while snot and tears flowed down, "For Drasas!!"

This time there was no delay, the rest of the crowd followed suit while their eyes were red from the tears.